Splinters Deason


The Man from Nowhere
The Man from Nowhere is a beautifully told Victorian gothic thriller from acclaimed director James Hill. Young orphan Alice has been invited by her rich uncle to live in his country mansion but she soon finds herself persecuted by the apparent visitations of an unsettling stranger. Who is this man from nowhere and just why is he tying to scare her away?
Mr. Horatio Knibbles
Mary Bunting is sitting alone when to her surprise and delight a rabbit six foot tall - elegantly dressed in frock coat and fancy waistcoat - appears. As he is a magic rabbit, he can be seen only by Mary, which naturally creates great confusion and misunderstanding.
Доктор-хирург находит способ вернуть красоту обезображенному шрамами лицу своей подружки. Проблема в том, что для этого ему требуется отнимать жизни у других девушек, а эффект от восстанавливающей процедуры очень недолговременный.
Assignment K
Philip Scott, the boss of a toy company, is secretly also the chief of a British spy organization. Scott's cover is destroyed when enemy agents kidnap his girlfriend to force him to reveal the identities of his fellow spies.
Eagle Rock
A young lad attempts to climb Eagle Rock by himself and learns the hard way that sometimes teamwork is the best way to do things.
Приключения Питкина в больнице
Мистер Гримсдейл (Эдвард Чэпмэн) хозяин мясной лавки, в которой работает Мистер Питкин, во время ограбления со страху проглатывает свои карманные часы. Питкин звонит в скорую помощь, и вместе с санитарами приезжает в больницу, где и начинается очередная серия смешных и нелепых приключений Питкина. Его стремление всем угодить, везде успеть, а также стать врачом, приводит к таким последствиям, что образцовая городская больница превращается в сумасшедший дом.
The Professionals
A renowned safecracker and his crew try to rob a bank by entering the vault through the sewer system.
A Yank in Ermine
An American airman inherits an Earldom in England along with the small matter of $3 million on the proviso that he gives up his US citizenship. Unsure if he is prepared to make the sacrifice he takes a trip with his two best friends to try our his new title, but will he be able to cope with the British aristocracy?
Dance Little Lady
Script Supervisor
When a ballerina's career is ended after she's injured in a traffic accident, her husband decides to try and turn their young daughter into a ballet star. Drama.