Франк Бердон — новый репортер в провинциальной шотландской газете. Ему поручено взять интервью у местного политического деятеля Уильяма Гоу. Журналист узнает о скандальной истории с Гоу и решает опубликовать ее, вместо ожидаемого положительного репортажа. Отношения накаляются и перерастают в уголовное дело, но одновременно, Бердон влюбляется в дочь Гоу, Викторию.
Set in 15th-century Italy, The Cardinal stars Matheson Lang as one Cardinal de Medici. Bound by the rules of the confessional, the cardinal is unable to disclose the multitude of sins revealed to him by one of his most influential parishioners. De Medici's dilemma is compounded by the fact that the confessor has committed a murder for which the Cardinal's brother has been arrested. The basic plot gimmick was good for another go-round in the 1953 Hitchcock flick I Confess. This 7-reel British film was based on a play by Louis N. Parker.
Charles (Henry Hewitt), Joseph (Ian Fleming), and Sir Benjamin (John Charlton) are in love with Maria (Dodo Watts), and Lady Sneerwell (Anne Grey) is in love with Charles.