Casey Groves

Casey Groves


Casey Groves


A Quiet Storm
Det. Blackwell
Aurora Williams is a 17-year-old girl living with her parents in the New Orleans neighborhood known locally as the 9th Ward. A talented young pianist, Aurora is on the verge of leaving for college to study music when she discovers her cousin Tyrell is responsible for a heinous high-profile murder. Soon, Aurora faces a dire conundrum – turning Tyrell in is obviously the proper thing to do, but societal conventions and family loyalties complicate an already tense situation... Nobody wants to be branded "a snitch” in the tight-knit community of the 9th Ward. With a large reward at stake and the police closing in on Tyrell, Aurora must decide if she is willing to risk the safety of her family in order to do what is right.
Жизнь на этих скоростях
Mr. Bledsoe
Кевин — сельский паренёк, который теряет своих лучших друзей и девушку в результате несчастного случая. Чтобы избавиться от чувства вины за то, что он единственный из всей компании остался в живых, Кевин начинает заниматься бегом на длинные дистанции.