Канадский анимационный вестерн о юноше, который решил выбраться из-под маминой юбки и отправиться покорять мир. Учиться самостоятельности юноша начал на Диком Западе, родине его предков. Герой поселился на ранчо, привыкал к тяжелому труду, пас стада. Но дикая жизнь не сделала из молодого щеголя настоящего мужчину. Старые привычки дали о себе знать: в свободное время юноша играл в бадминтон, выпивал и скучал по дому и родителям.
When his father dies, Jeffrey is sent to live with his aunt Charlotte in Canada. Once there he leads his aunt and his friends in staging, a non-violent hunger strike to try to save his aunt's house from being demolished to make room for a ski resort.
Fact-based story of an idealistic single dad who discovers that his beloved Native American adopted son is afflicted with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and complicates his life with the woman who becomes his wife.
Shakespeare's As You Like It is a delightful romantic comedy , lavishly staged by the renowned Stratford Festival. A favorite with audiences throughout the centuries, this fairy tale is a brilliant magical celebration of romance, passion and unity. Pitting young love against the vanity of the court. It is the familiar story of exiled lovers reunited, of woodland meanderings, of mistaken identity and disguise, and of political wrongs set right. As in all of Shakespeare's plays, this is a story rich in mythology which deals with the transformation of souls from evil to good.