Colin Stevens


Seeds of Change
Mbeu Yosintha was made to help farmers and rural communities cope with the effects of climate change and in particular the ever changing rain patterns in South East Africa. The film is a drama using local actors and was devised with Malawian writer Jonathan Mbuna following extensive research with various agricultural NGOs in Malawi. Following successful drama like Mawa Langa this film has already been seen in Malawi by over 10,000 people in rural areas using a pedal-power cinema kit.
Seeds of Change
Mbeu Yosintha was made to help farmers and rural communities cope with the effects of climate change and in particular the ever changing rain patterns in South East Africa. The film is a drama using local actors and was devised with Malawian writer Jonathan Mbuna following extensive research with various agricultural NGOs in Malawi. Following successful drama like Mawa Langa this film has already been seen in Malawi by over 10,000 people in rural areas using a pedal-power cinema kit.
Seeds of Change
Mbeu Yosintha was made to help farmers and rural communities cope with the effects of climate change and in particular the ever changing rain patterns in South East Africa. The film is a drama using local actors and was devised with Malawian writer Jonathan Mbuna following extensive research with various agricultural NGOs in Malawi. Following successful drama like Mawa Langa this film has already been seen in Malawi by over 10,000 people in rural areas using a pedal-power cinema kit.
Слуга короля
Portugese soldier
1547 год. Фернандо Да Гама, молодой «Солдат Удачи», которого судьба забросила в Восточные моря в поисках богатства, чудом остается жив после кораблекрушения. Но спасительный берег Сиама приносит ему новое испытание — его продают в рабство. Однако удача не оставляет молодого солдата и, вскоре, его выкупает король Сиама. Фернандо становится верным слугой короля. Злоумышленники подмешивают королю яд, и только Фернандо способен раскрыть гнусный заговор, предотвратить войну в королевстве, завоевать сердце первой красавицы двора и раскрыть тайну смерти своего отца.