Carlos Amaral


Mar Infinito
Visual Effects
In a parallel world Pedro tries to hack his way into joining an exodus to another planet. While he dwells in his dreams and frustrations of being left behind he meets Eva, who challenges him and forces him to come to terms with his purpose.
Mar Infinito
In a parallel world Pedro tries to hack his way into joining an exodus to another planet. While he dwells in his dreams and frustrations of being left behind he meets Eva, who challenges him and forces him to come to terms with his purpose.
Mar Infinito
In a parallel world Pedro tries to hack his way into joining an exodus to another planet. While he dwells in his dreams and frustrations of being left behind he meets Eva, who challenges him and forces him to come to terms with his purpose.
Additional Visual Effects
Иммигранты из Португалии Бела и Жота оказываются в сложном материальном положении в пригороде Лондона. Вдобавок ко всему служба опеки по надуманному основанию решает отобрать их троих детей, включая глухую Лусию. Супругам придётся пройти семь кругов ада, пытаясь вызволить их из жерновов системы, которая создана для заработка на разрушении семей и искалеченных судьбах детей.
Moral Order
Visual Effects
In 1918, Maria Adelaide Coelho da Cunha, heiress and owner of the Diário de Notícias, leaves the social, cultural and family luxury in which she lives to escape with a petty chauffeur, 26 years younger.
Солдат, стоящий миллиона других
VFX Artist
История солдата Анибала Мильяиш и более 75 000 португальцев, которые сражались во Фландрии во время Первой мировой войны, о которых мало что известно..
Lovers on Borders
Visual Effects
Double revenge in two separate stories. Set in both a near future and the historical past, revenge is served not by violence, but by love.
Мабата Бата
Visual Effects
Азарьяш мальчик-пастух, который мечтает пойти в школу, но должен охранять стадо своего дяди Рауля. Волы традиционное приданое, что дядя должен заплатить за свой брак с дочерью главы деревни. Самое красивое животное в стаде, которое предназначено для этого, это Мабата Бата. Однажды, когда мальчик находится на пастбище, Мабата Бата ступает на мину - результат гражданской войны в стране - и взрывается. Боязнь мести своего дяди, Азарьяш убегает в лес, в дом, в котором он жил со своей семьей до войны...
Por Diabos
Por Diabos
Far from Eden
A survivor travels in search of the last bastion of civilization. Battling to survive, but never losing hope that something nostalgic from the past, which lives on in his memory, might still exist.
Far from Eden
A survivor travels in search of the last bastion of civilization. Battling to survive, but never losing hope that something nostalgic from the past, which lives on in his memory, might still exist.
Far from Eden
A survivor travels in search of the last bastion of civilization. Battling to survive, but never losing hope that something nostalgic from the past, which lives on in his memory, might still exist.
The Kingdom
Walking through the lost boundaries of the kingdom, our hero finds his greatest enemy.