Действие фильма начинается в небольшой деревушке Нагпраду, расположенной на северо-востоке Таиланда, жителей которой постигает несчастье — пропала голова статуи Будды по имени Онг Бак. Для того, чтобы вернуть статую, требуется человек, обладающий не только умом, но и физической силой. Единственный, кто отвечает этим требованиям, — это Тинг перенявший искусство Муай Тай (тайский бокс) у почитаемого в деревне монаха.
Seven ex-soldiers are hired to rob a group of American GI's trucks, under the misguided notion that these trucks contain a wealth of treasures. They successfully seize the trucks, only to find that there's nothing precious within. A troop of fully-armed, brutal, not to mention racist GIs, led by Peter, is now after them. At the same time, their former superior (in charge of seven) is tracking down a cargo of dangerous chemicals and he asks for their help. They reluctantly agree, and their personal conflict is turned into an action-packed confrontation fought and waged for the sake of one thing only: their country.
An aspiring singer leaves his pregnant bride a radio for company when he is drafted into the army; unfit for military life, the man goes AWOL and joins a pop music troupe but soon after his wife tracks him down his life spirals out of control.