Patrick Cronen

Patrick Cronen


Patrick Cronen


Hostage House
A realtor and her daughter are taken hostage by armed robbers.
Fangoria Magazine's OCT. issue 267, introduced this upcoming independent horror movie. Vindication is an independent horror movie striving to raise the bar within the low budget financing of filmmaking. Still in post-production as of April 2008 and using the Panasonic's DVX100B mini-DV camera for production, Vindication is Bart Mastronardi's feature length psychological horror movie, based on his short of the same title. A morality tale about a young man whose attempt at suicide fails causing his guilt to manifest into reality. Vindication is due out in the fall of 2008. Guilt Shows No Mercy!
Любовь со словарем
Как это часто бывает, пока тебе не стукнуло тридцать, жизнь Норы пролетала как одно мгновение. Все подруги замужем, у многих дети, а у Норы даже бойфренд — и тот «прекрасный семьянин». Все пошло наперекосяк, и если бы не случайная встреча с изворотливым и не совсем законопослушным французом Жюльеном, она никогда бы не научилась любить…
Aidy Kane
AIDY KANE follows the post-career lull of former ski champion Adrian Kanieki. Not adjusting well to life post-competition (and fame), Aidy sets out on an increasingly desperate (and increasingly ridiculous) quest to regain prominence and recapture America's heart, all while navigating the promise and pitfalls of modern cultural appetites and the social media age.
Aidy Kane
Associate Producer
AIDY KANE follows the post-career lull of former ski champion Adrian Kanieki. Not adjusting well to life post-competition (and fame), Aidy sets out on an increasingly desperate (and increasingly ridiculous) quest to regain prominence and recapture America's heart, all while navigating the promise and pitfalls of modern cultural appetites and the social media age.