Minoru Oonishi


Моя геройская академия: Восхождение героев
Background Designer
На очередном задании защитники преследовали грузовик с опасным преступником. Операция завершилась успешно, но в машине ребята не обнаружили ничего подозрительного. Вскоре голове отряда защитников удалось узнать о том, что существует наркотик, который может не только пробудить сверхсилу, но и отнять её у героев. Для лучших супергероев появилась нелёгкая задачка, но Мидория не собирается стоять в стороне. Волею судьбы смышлёный парень познакомился с девчонкой, которой известна секретная информация о новом наркотике. Изуку решает не только помочь новоиспечённой подруге с её проблемами, но и узнать, кто отвечает за производство загадочного наркотика. Что же ждёт напористого паренька без могущественных способностей впереди?
Anemone: Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution
Background Designer
After her father is killed by the deadly coral menace, Anemone vows to have her revenge. But the only way to fight back is from the inside.
Pop in Q
Background Designer
The story begins the day before the graduation ceremony. Five middle school girls each are preoccupied with their real everyday lives. These girls meet each other in a fantasy world after being sent there through a sudden occurrence. There, they learn about the impending crisis that this world is facing. The way to avert this crisis is for the five to collaborate and bring their five hearts together as one through dance. However, the five cannot come to love the world, and cannot tell their true feelings to one another, so their hearts are unable to unite. The time limit is fast approaching. Can the dance of the five girls save the world? And will they be able to graduate?
Pop in Q
Art Direction
The story begins the day before the graduation ceremony. Five middle school girls each are preoccupied with their real everyday lives. These girls meet each other in a fantasy world after being sent there through a sudden occurrence. There, they learn about the impending crisis that this world is facing. The way to avert this crisis is for the five to collaborate and bring their five hearts together as one through dance. However, the five cannot come to love the world, and cannot tell their true feelings to one another, so their hearts are unable to unite. The time limit is fast approaching. Can the dance of the five girls save the world? And will they be able to graduate?