Nina Carter

Рождение : 1951-01-01, Solihull, Warwickshire, England, UK


Nina Carter (born 4 October 1952) is an English former 1970s Page Three girl and occasional singer. She currently runs an image consultancy and works as a life coach. Carter had a cameo in the movie An American Werewolf in London featuring in a television advertisement for a kiss-and-tell article ('The Secrets of Naughty Nina') in The News of The World prior to David's first 'transformation' into the titular beast. She formed a musical duo, Blonde on Blonde, with Jilly Johnson which was successful in Japan. Carter married former Yes keyboard player Rick Wakeman in 1984, and they divorced in 2004. Carter has two children with Wakeman: Jemma Kiera (b. 1983) and Oscar (b. 1986). Having overcome drug addiction and anorexia, she now runs her own image consultancy and life coach business. She married plastic surgeon Douglas Harrison in June 2010.


Американский оборотень в Лондоне
Naughty Nina
Есть в старушке Англии лихие, жуткие места, путешествовать по которым чрезвычайно опасно… И наших героев, двух беззаботных американских туристов, об этом предупредили. Но веселые заокеанские парни не вняли предостережениям местных жителей и в глухой ночи, освещаемой мертвым светом луны, сошли с дороги. Здесь, во мраке, их ждал неописуемый кошмар, после которого одному из американцев было суждено стать ужасным призраком, а другому — кровожадным оборотнем!
The Golden Lady
Herself (as Blonde on Blonde)
A wealthy industrialist hires Julia Hemingway and her elite team of female mercenaries to sabotage a deal between his competitor and an oil sheik.