Christopher Scoular

Рождение : 1945-03-09, Arbroath, Scotland, UK

Смерть : 2014-10-29


Benjamin Britten: Peace and Conflict
Bishop of Norwich
A feature film about Benjamin Britten, released as part of the 100 year celebrations of his birth. Britten is the most performed British composer worldwide. This film premiered at Gresham's School, which he attended, and focuses on how his life-long pacifism influenced his life and music. Written and directed by Tony Britten (In Love With Alama Cogan), narrated by John Hurt and with a superb cast of young people, including many supporting roles taken by students of Gresham's School, the film weaves dramatisation with a documentary narrative.
Trust Me
Harry plays hoaxes on gullible tabloid journalists. But when he gets ambitious and tries to sell the faked memoirs of a contract killer to a publisher, things start to go seriously wrong.
Griff Rhys Jones stars as a writer on a popular television soap opera who falls in love with the show's leading lady but finds himself unable to break his ties with his ex-wife and their children.
Last Video and Testament
Cecil Truscott
Rich old businessman suspects his much younger wife of cheating on him. When his weak heart forces him to have a risky surgery he leaves a videotaped last will and testament - with a sadistic twist.
Американский оборотень в Лондоне
Есть в старушке Англии лихие, жуткие места, путешествовать по которым чрезвычайно опасно… И наших героев, двух беззаботных американских туристов, об этом предупредили. Но веселые заокеанские парни не вняли предостережениям местных жителей и в глухой ночи, освещаемой мертвым светом луны, сошли с дороги. Здесь, во мраке, их ждал неописуемый кошмар, после которого одному из американцев было суждено стать ужасным призраком, а другому — кровожадным оборотнем!
Тайна семи циферблатов
Bill Eversleigh
Уик-энд в респектабельном загородном особняке обещает стать чрезвычайно занятным: на повестке дня катание на лодках, уморительные шутки и шалости, и… таинственное убийство… Леди Эйлин Брэнт бесстрашно мчится на своем велосипеде по дороге тайн и загадок, окутывающих преступление, а ей вслед слышится заговорческий шепот членов тайного общества.