Chantal Pirotte

Chantal Pirotte


Chantal Pirotte


Bac +12
Femme aux chats
A black man in his thirties, from a very privileged and over-educated background, finds himself reduced to becoming a security guard in a supermarket in order to enter the working world. In order to be accepted by his new colleagues, he will quickly have to deny his culture and pass himself off as scum.
Le biberium
Mere de Rosalie
In a world where everyone is watched, where freedoms are increasingly reduced, Benoît and Rosalie are going to have their best day ever.
Que je demeure
When his grandfather passes away, Lucas finds himself trapped between last wishes and cultural traditions.
Пришельцы 3: Взятие Бастилии
Catherine Théot
В третьей части граф с оруженосцем отправляются в самое сложное для Франции время — период Французской революции.
Miss Mouche