Luis Rico


Cuando Almanzor perdió el tambor
Juana la Loca… de vez en cuando
Los líos de Estefanía
El erótico enmascarado
Profesor Sr. González
Un cero a la izquierda
Funcionario comisaría
Cuatro locos buscan manicomio
El rediezcubrimiento de México
Estimado Sr. juez...
El Manitas
Pepito Piscinas
Casa de citas
Luciano has been working in an important company for fifteen years without be rewarded for his efforts, his fidelity and submission. On the recommendation of a cousin, he acts as front man for the shameful business of his managers. They get it so far as to force him to marry the former mistress of one of the directors. Finally, because of a fire in the chalet where he lives and where they cook the dirty business of which he is not responsible for, Luciano ends up in jail for covering up and taking on some responsibilities that are not his, fulfilling his role of straw man until the end.
Doña Perfecta
El señor está servido
Three stories of three housemaids: Martina, shop steward, serves a marriage that can not have children because she entered the house with that condition. Basilia, Cateta coming to serve and not do anything, the contract for a small fee and let she carry a transistor always hung over the shoulder. And Lali, a gorgeous girl, but very serious and decent, it does not last any longer than 24 hours home because everyone wants to conquer.
Solo ante el Streaking
Ready, Aim, Fire!
Madrid, in the forties. In the post-war period, Paca, a chorus girl who aspires to enter the Celia Gámez Company, returns to Madrid after a provincial tour. In the same train travels Luis, undocumented young person to whom Paca allows him to spend the night in the room where she lives with her sick father. Paca's relationship with Julio, a mogul without remorse, offers her financial support, but Luis gives her the tenderness and love she does not have with Julio.
Ligeramente viudas
El mejor regalo
The day of his wedding, Carlos recibes the most unexpected present he coud receive, a son. Carlitos, makes the weadding a complete disaster and fails to place. Carlos to solve the misunderstanding, decides to follow the boy home to meet his mother and to find out what is going on. This will bring him more than one surprise.
Polvo eres...
The poor Camilo was about a priest, when he suffered a dizzy spell and was diagnosed with a serious illness.
Una mujer de cabaret
Un curita cañón
Jenaro, el de los 14
A Prewar Grandmother
El chulo
The Godfather and His Goddaughters
Кони Вальдеса
Чино Вальдес – ковбой, в одиночку разводящий лошадей. Он выбрал жизнь отшельника отчасти добровольно, а отчасти из-за косых взглядов, которые бросали на него в городе. Ведь в его жилах течет кровь как белых людей, так и индейцев. В поисках работы и крыши над головой к нему приходит Джимми. Чино разрешает ему остаться и обучает своему ремеслу. Но пройдет много времени, прежде чем они притрутся друг к другу…
Counselor at Crime
When the godson of San Francisco's crime lord asks permission to leave "the business," Don Antonio agrees, but reluctantly. Such behavior by either one is a violation of the code, and a bloody mob war breaks out. It is only through the strong support of his family connections in Sicily that Don Antonio is able to survive the mêlée and come out on top. Aghast at the situation he has caused, the godson becomes his leader's "consigliere," or Counselor at Crime.
La llamaban la madrina
Trini is the daughter and granddaughter of thieves. Before it was a specialist in the art of opening safes, but one day decided to change their way of life and is now a cashier at a supermarket. It has also taken a law student boyfriend, but all will be dashed when his father stop, Mr. Baldomero, for stealing 36 kilos of appliances.
La descarriada
Cliente provinciano
Nati has no choice but to work as a prostitute to support her siblings. Unfortunately she has not had much success; it's difficult to get customers and she also owes money to her "protector", Florencio. But one day a kind of Prince Charming shows up...
El vikingo
Guapo heredero busca esposa
Funcionario #2
Nada menos que todo un hombre
La graduada
Vacío en el alma
After a man's death, his sister must take care of her niece, result of an extramarital relationship with a singer of color.
Simón, contamos contigo
La Lola... dicen que no vive sola
A prostitute promises to the Virgin Mary not to practice her trade for a year if she heals her sick child.
После смерти матери Тристана оказывается под опекой своего не вполне бескорыстного дяди дона Лопе и вскоре сбегает от него с молодым художником Орасио. Разворачивается история соблазнения и возмездия.
The Price of Power
In 1881 Dallas, an ex-Union soldier attempts to expose a conspiracy of Southerners that killed his father, his friend and President James A. Garfield.
No somos ni Romeo ni Julieta
No somos de piedra
Lucas, typical average Spaniard, shy, gray and repressed, is married to sanctimonious Enriqueta, so he is always aware of other women, although the couple are already parents of nine children, which is why Lucas will do the unspeakable to convince his wife to take the contraceptive pill, something practically sinful for a practicing Catholic like Enriqueta.
Smashing Up
Primer sereno
Matilde is a former prostitute who gets married to an american soldier with an uncertain future, due to the possibility of being recruited to the Vietnam War.
Las salvajes en Puente San Gil
The film explains the vicissitudes of a group of revue stars who arrive into a small provincial village in the dark Spain of the sixties, called Puente San Gil. There the women are received with aggressiveness and contempt by the ultraconservative bourgeoisie, to the point of becoming denounced and imprisoned because of the scandal caused by the sensual content of their variety show. But they refuse to remain silent and sing their protest as a song. —jsanchez
Proceso a una estrella
Don Emilio
A celebrated cabaret singer, Rosa Lucena, is accused of killing Miguel, her dance partner. She is arrested, but not finding sufficient evidence of guilt, the judges decide to investigate her past, when Rosa and Miguel acted in a theater in Madrid and she fellin love with a young doctor, leaving his career for him. This situation has a direct impact on Miguel, which fails miserably with the withdrawal of his partner.
Hotelero en Torremolinos
After killing his girl friend, Ana, Amador (a dark and strange man) joins his family (which he can't stand) in Torremolinos, where he gets involved in the assassination of a foreigner woman. It is also in Torremolinos, where Amador meets Laura, a woman who falls in love with him...
Isidro el labrador
Una tal Dulcinea
A history professor is married with a beautiful woman but she is intellectually not able to follow her husband. Therefore she seeks her own pleasures and amusements without him.
The Good Love
A couple of young university students decide to spend the day in Toledo, in order to forget a little of the routine in which they are. At nine o'clock in the morning, José Luis waits at the Atocha station for his girlfriend, Mari Carmen. The couple has deceived their families, who have told that they will eat in the Faculty. The journey is eternal and the stay in the city, rather than surprise them, as they expected, immerses them, even more, in the monotony in which they live. Without friends, without relatives and without university partners, the couple will spend twelve hours in Toledo, half a day of tenderness in the rain and the December sun that will help them to know themselves better.
The Big Family
Ужасный доктор Орлоф
Полицейский инспектор занимается делом об исчезновения певичек из кабаре. Его предприимчивая невеста хочет помочь в расследовании и появляется в увеселительном заведении под видом дамы легкого поведения. Она становится объектом внимания злоумышленников — доктора Орлофа и его помощника, слепого лунатика Морфо. В уединенном замке доктор снимал кожу с похищенных девушек, дабы использовать ее для возвращения красоты своей изуродованной сестре Мелиссе.
Vampiresas 1930
As the era of silent films finds itself at a close, four down-and-out silent film actors and musicians struggle to find work. Fate leads them to a former star of the silent era as she struggles to escape her reputation as a wild and evil vamp of the silver screen and longs to be just thought of as an honest and decent woman. They join forces, and for a short time have a decent amount of success singing and dancing at clubs and bars. But the public has an insatiable taste for foreign black jazz bands, and they will stop at nothing to become a success.
Alfredo is a cheerful party animal, son of a wealthy man. Alfredo's brother, a young very focused and mature boy, and their father try unsuccessfully to change the profligate lifestyle of Alfredo to remedy the dissolute life of the latter, which, by all indications, is clearly gay.
Siempre es domingo
In a sector of Madrid inhabited by families of a well-off class, a gang of boys and girls has continuous fun, sleep and drink, while their parents ignore practically everything. However, each of these young people has, to a greater or lesser degree, a problem. The parties and parties enjoyed by a group of young people from the upper class are the basis of the story that explains this film. Among them we find the famous couple, once happy, formed by Carlos Larrañaga and María Luisa Merlo. Directed by Fernando Palacios, and with a script by Rafael J. Salvia and Pedro Masó, " It's always Sunday " has no greater intention than entertainment, despite giving history a certain sociological touch, for that of valuing the behavior of the Youth of the time.
Festival en Benidorm
The Prince in Chains
Queen of the Tabarin Club
Maestro de ceremonias del Tabarin
In 1913 a family of traveling musicians goes to the house of a rich marquise. Lolita, daughter of one of the musicians, encounters the son of the wealthy lady.
Un tipo de sangre
Parque de Madrid
In the Madrid of the fifties, during any day, whether by chance or fate, a series of characters live all kinds of stories, funny stories and some not so, in one of the most beautiful parks that exist in the city, the Retiro park, known as Parque de Madrid.