Masateru Yoshimura


Лесная легенда
Key Animation
Очаровательная сказка, навеянная четвёртой симфонией Чайковского, где есть всё: от говорящих животных до добрых фей. Идея создания произведения вызревала больше десяти лет, и Осаму Тэдзука реализовал её в духе Уолта Диснея.
Lunn Flies into the Wind
Akira is a lonely middle school boy, ignored by his classmates and bullied by his teacher. He falls in love with the image of a girl on a coffee advertising poster and names her Lunn. Through his "friendship" with Lunn, he gradually finds the strength to pursue his own dreams.
Прерванное кино
Герой этого мультфильма — отважный ковбой, должен спасти принцессу, свою возлюбленную от рук разбойников. Но в этот момент с киноплёнкой начинает происходить нечто странное, на ней появляются какие-то царапины, трещины, изображение искажается. Начинается полная неразбериха, и герой вместе со своим изображением на плёнке вступает в схватку с разбойниками.
Rain Boy
Animation Director
A lonely kid who lives in the countryside meets a strange boy who has a ragged umbrella over his head and there is always rain pouring over him. The rain boy is dazzled by the other kid's boots and offers three wishes in exchange for them.
Rain Boy
A lonely kid who lives in the countryside meets a strange boy who has a ragged umbrella over his head and there is always rain pouring over him. The rain boy is dazzled by the other kid's boots and offers three wishes in exchange for them.
Rain Boy
A lonely kid who lives in the countryside meets a strange boy who has a ragged umbrella over his head and there is always rain pouring over him. The rain boy is dazzled by the other kid's boots and offers three wishes in exchange for them.