How did the human race appear? In Kromdraai, South Africa, the French paleoanthropologist José Braga discovered the remains of two children dating back 2.5 million years. These are the oldest bones ever found. One is human, the other paranthrop, a hominid that is our closest cousin. This archaeological investigation is the starting point of an unprecedented scientific adventure, which could finally lift the veil on the origins of humanity.
Footwear company Togo was a family business that thrived reaching the point of owning more than 30 stores in the wider Turin area. All that is left today is a couple of struggling stores, enormous suffocating debt, and the desperation of uncertainty as bankruptcy is looming in. Director Gianluca Mattarese has been living in Paris for the last 18 years meticulously fencing himself off from the harsh reality of a family breakdown. Like a prodigal son, he eventually returns to his roots with the task of recording a routine of malaise framed by financial collapse. A bittersweet tale of family bonds, reuniting, and atonement.
Sarajevo lived through the longest siege in modern history. The Siege is a film about those who lived through it, about the human experience of the besieged. Through Sarajevo to beyond Sarajevo, it is the story of a surrounded city, of a battle and resistance. It is also the universal story of civilization facing a terrible challenge to its existence, of a struggle for its survival. Sarajevo resisted and survived. The Siege describes a vertiginous descent into war.
Traveling in North Benin, Cécile crosses the path of a young African mother deposited him, distraught, a baby in arms ... Cecile will adopt this child will grow African and Lancelot in France. The year of its seven years, she left with him to the country of its origin and attempts to pierce the secrecy surrounding its abandonment.
Лион, 1970-х годов. Три сестры — Сибий, Корин и Жоржет — дружно живут вместе со своей матерью-итальянкой Анной. Сибий — единственная блондинка в семье, из-за чего чувствует себя белой вороной. Она похожа на отца-француза Антуана, бросившего их много лет назад. О нем в семье говорить запрещено. Но девочка верит, что придет день, когда она встретится со своим отцом…
Avec l'amitié de
Мариус — хранитель заброшенного цементного завода, возвышающегося над кварталом Эстак в Марселе. Жаннет одна воспитывает двоих детей на свою скудную зарплату кассирши. Их встреча не обойдется без неприятностей, так как, помимо материальных трудностей, они оба ранены жизнью. Они должны снова научиться быть счастливыми.