Детективы отдела по борьбе с незаконным оборотом наркотиков Майк Лоури и Маркус Бэрнетт получают задание расследовать схему доставки нового наркотика в Майами. Это расследование выводит их на искусный заговор, сплетенный местным наркобароном с целью поставить под контроль всю торговлю наркотиками в городе.
Camera Operator
“Sonic artist” Chris Cree Brown discusses composing with new media and how he orchestrates particular sounds into formal compositional structures. Some sounds are made instrumentally, while others are recorded from his environment. In 1980 few classically-trained musicians in New Zealand experimented with synthesized sound and the gloriously large and sturdy equipment Brown uses to create his music will be of sure anthropological interest to many musos. The documentary was recorded with no script to capture the true art of creation.