Harry Mulisch

Harry Mulisch

Рождение : 1927-07-29, Haarlem, Netherlands

Смерть : 2010-10-30


Harry Kurt Victor Mulisch (1927–2010) was a Dutch writer. He wrote more than 80 novels, plays, essays, poems, and philosophical reflections. Mulisch's works have been translated into over thirty languages. Along with Willem Frederik Hermans and Gerard Reve, Mulisch is considered one of the "Great Three" (De Grote Drie) of Dutch postwar literature. His novel The Assault (1982) was adapted into a film that won both a Golden Globe and an Academy Award. A 2007 poll of NRC Handelsblad readers voted his novel The Discovery of Heaven (1992) the greatest Dutch book ever written. He was regularly mentioned as a possible future Nobel laureate. He won the 2007 International Nonino Prize in Italy. A frequent theme in his work is the Second World War. His father had worked for the Germans during the war and went to prison for three years afterwards. As the war spanned most of Mulisch's formative phase, it had a defining influence on his life and work. In 1963, he wrote a non-fiction work about the Eichmann case: Criminal Case 40/61.


Harry Mulisch


Открытие небес
Original Story
Господь рассердившись на человечество хочет вернуть данные им скрижали с Десятью Заповедями, чтобы навсегда бросить Землю в лапы алчного дьявола. Но доставить святые реликвии на небеса может лишь избранный человек, появления которого давно ждут в небесном раю. Вскоре высшие силы "случайно" сведут вместе трех простых смертных, от непредсказуемых и подчас нелепых поступков которых будут зависеть рождение и удивительная судьба юного Квинтена, способного ввергнуть род человеческий в бездну вечного проклятия или подарить ему великое спасение.
The Room
A man explains how he was obsessed when he was younger by a mysterious room and an extraordinary rarefied piano music that drifted through its open window during the night. Forty years later, returning to his home town after having spent most of his life abroad, in "a bunch of different places", he asks one of his friends to rent a room for him. As chance would have it, it turns out to be the same room which attracted him when he was a young man. What drew him again to this room?
Последние дни войны. Голландия оккупирована фашистами. Около дома одного из жителей маленького городка партизанами был убит голландец, который сотрудничал с фашистами. Жители этого домика, опасаясь мести фашистов, перетаскивают тело к другому дому. В нем живет директор гимназии с семьей.Фашисты расстреливают всю семью, и сжигают этот дом дотла. Удается выжить только 12-летнему Антону.
Twice a Woman
When a divorced museum director takes a young girl as a lover things quickly become more complicated when her ex-husband also engages in a relationship with the girl.