Tapas Nayak


Sound Designer
An Indian tourist couple arrive in the hill country of crisis ridden Sri Lanka to celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary. But, when things take an unexpected turn, conflicts deepen revealing cracks in their relationship.
Margazhi Thingal
Sound Designer
A young school girl with a doting grandpa falls in love with her classmate, to much apprehension from her grandfather. Intra-caste complexities soon begin to haunt the family.
Sound Mixer
Karthick, a reluctantly super hero, wants to stop a nuclear project which will have serious issues for environment and the village nearby, but nobody listen to him. To convince villagers, helped by his super powers, he pretends to be the god Veeran, whose temple will be destroyed with the nuclear project.
Vasantha Mullai
Sound Designer
Rudhra, who works tirelessly for a successful career and money, and suffering from blackout disorders, goes on a romantic journey to a hill station with his girlfriend Nita, trying to spend some quality time . On the way, he stays at the Vasantha Mullai Motel. The events that unfold in a single night drive Rudhra insane and take him on a roller coaster ride.
Sound Mixer
Muthu and Kannan are Gold Agents from Thrissur, the Gold Capital of India. The movie portrays their travel to Mumbai to distribute gold and the following mishaps they face on their journey.
Sound Designer
Sound Designer
Vedha and his daughter Kanaka are on a killing spree. They are being chased by a cop Rama, but they always manage to escape in the nick of time. Can Rama stop the killings?
Salaam Venky
Sound Designer
Sujata, an ideal mother, who battles the most challenging situations one can ever face with a smile.
4 years
Sound Designer
4 years is about Gayathri and Vishal, their college sunrises, canteen sunsets and hostel midnights.
Love Today
Sound Mixer
A young couple is made to exchange their phones for a day. What follows is a hilarious and emotional sequence of events that puts their lives in misery.
Sound Designer
An espionage agent who is branded a traitor returns from exile to take down a dubious water project and safeguard the country.
Sound Mixer
A team of soldiers, led by a brave army captain, takes up a dangerous mission to go into a restricted forest area and uncover the mystery behind the unexplainable deaths of previous teams that had visited the site.
Oru Thekkan Thallu Case
Sound Designer
We lead our lives in ways where we do not think much before doing something, which may or may not have a huge impact on other people. How our small actions can create big ripples in someone else`s life is the idea on which the film is based.
Sound Designer
У гениального математика Мати есть другая личность, Кобра, которая совершает интеллектуальные преступления, используя математику.
Sound Designer
Four friends, Ramkumar, Kalyan, Parameshwaran and Abdulla, who share a troubled history and familial strife, meet at a place owned by Ramkumar. This happenstance get-together ends up in fresh tension, leading to unforeseen consequences.
Kuttavum Shikshayum
Sound Designer
A five-member Kerala Police have to use their best policing skills when they go to Rajasthan to nab a gang behind a jewellery shop theft.
Sound Designer
A girl gets trapped inside a boys' hostel, which is under surveillance of a strict warden. Why has she entered the place and what happens next?
Bheeshma Parvam
Sound Designer
Set in the backdrop of 1980s, Micheal helms his influential family in Kochi, inspiring fear and respect through his unnerving past. When a few younger members in the household feel his power over their lives too are aggravating, they join hands with foes to clamp down on him. And the story follows what’s in store for them.
Побеждает только храбрость
Sound Designer
Молодой человек по имени Порус намеревается сделать карьеру в полиции. Он мечтает стать офицером, и он сделает всё возможное, чтобы добиться своей цели. Однажды он начинает расследовать сразу несколько жестоких убийств, организованных бандитом Недунчезианом и его подопечными. Он выходит на след свидетельницы преступления, однако её убивают незадолго до того, как главный герой предпринимает попытку её спасти. Порусу предстоит столкнуться в смертельной схватке с самим Недунчезианом. Они будут наносить друг другу болезненные удары, однако главный герой ни за что не простит своему визави все те убийства, которые тот совершил
Sound Designer
A woman walks into the life of a debt collector, who works for a loan shark, claiming to be his mother. He tries to turn over a new leaf moved by her affection, but can he do so after having ruined the lives of so many people?
Appathaava Aataiya Pottutaanga
Sound Designer
Two elderly people fall in love with each other at an old-age home. They elope and try to get married which creates hilarious ruckus in their lives.
Sound Designer
A usual working day turns unusual for Guru and Harini when they get trapped in their haunted office. A patterned game unlocks a mystery and a lift is their only way out.
Sivakumarin Sabadham
Sound Mixer
A young man from a weaving family vows to restore it to its past glory by taking on a textile magnate.
Sound Designer
When Paaru sees a fairy tale she heard from from a stranger as a child painted across the walls of a costal town, she goes in search of the man who painted it - Maara.
Sound Mixer
A fraudster gets to fulfill his childhood dream of being a superhero when he takes on a ruthless businessman whose business strategy is to crush the dreams of children.
Aakashaganga 2
Sound Designer
Arathi, accepts a challenge to test the authenticity of an 'Ashram' that claims to help its followers talk to the dead. To her surprise, she communicates with her dead mother who leads her to the dark and hidden secrets of her own family.
Sound Director
Фильм рассказывает о Майкле, главаре банды и бывшем футболисте, который по воле случая становится тренером женской команды по футболу. Он сталкивается с тем, что девушки из команды не воспринимают его всерьёз из-за криминальной деятельности. Вдобавок его преследует враг, желающий свести с ним счёты и помешать выиграть кубок.
Sound Designer
In 1814, a nobleman from the Kandian Kingdom of Sri Lanka helped the British army to revolt against the king of Southern India, but was driven to a traitor. His wives have to choose between committing suicide or marrying outcasts. Instead of suicide, young and beautiful Tikiri chooses to marry an untouchable, named Vijaya.
This film is a tale about a young girl who grew up in the slave caste group and how she came to be immortalized as their locality, Maadathy.
Герой Нарасима Редди
Sound Mixer
Перед вами новый исторический индийский фильм, сюжет которого закручивается вокруг Восстания сипаев, одним из предводителей которого был Уйялавада Нарасимха Редди. Всё началось в середине XIX века, когда недовольство Ост-Индской кампанией достигло своего апогея. Главному герою удалось сплотить вокруг себя тысячи единомышленников, считающих, что британской оккупации Индии должен настать конец. На пути к своей главной цели Нарасимхе Редди пришлось преодолеть множество препятствий. Ему нужно было бороться изо всех сил, даже тогда, когда казалось, что у него нет ни единого шанса на успех.
Sound Designer
Кришна, успешный и популярный борец, сталкивается с проблемами в личной жизни, в то же время пытаясь осуществить мечту своего отца.
Sound Designer
Two long-separated brothers end up in life-threatening situations. How do their lives intersect and what happens next?
Vennila Kabaddi Kuzhu 2
Sound Mixer
The son of a disgraced kabaddi player realises his father's dream of helping his team, Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu, win the title in a kabaddi tournament.
House Owner
Sound Director
An elderly couple, a house wife and a retired army man, go through some unanticipated moments during a rainy season in Chennai.
Sound Mixer
Sreenivasan, a bald 31-year-old, finds it tough to get a girl to like or marry him. Will lady love ever bless him?
Супер делюкс
Sound Designer
Сюжет этого нового фильма рассказывает сразу несколько историй о нескольких персонажах. Незадачливый отец, лишенный возможности общаться со своим ребёнком, пытается решить проблемы, которые неожиданно возникли в его жизни. Неверная жена, всеми способами старающаяся скрывать свой роман на стороне, прекрасно понимает, что рано или поздно её интрижка станет достоянием общественности. Все персонажи этого фильма вынуждены преодолевать серьёзные препятствия на пути к спокойной жизни и личному счастью. Смогут ли они достойно миновать эту чёрную полосу? Не растеряются ли они, встретившись со своими демонами один на один?
Ночи Кумбаланги
Sound Mixer
Герои фильма четыре брата Бони, Фрэнки, Сажди и Бобби с самого детства воевали друг с другом. Спустя много лет их вражда вышла на совершенно новый уровень. Теперь им явно есть, что делить, и ни один из них не отступит, пока не достигнет желаемой цели. Героям фильма предстоит пройти через огромное количество испытаний, одно из которых начинается с того, что один из братьев, Бобби, вдруг решает жениться. Неожиданно он получает всестороннюю поддержку со стороны остальных братьев, которые начинают предпринимать все возможные усилия, чтобы его свадьбу ничто не смогло омрачить.
Sound Mixer
A sincere doctor Das works at a private clinic, where he meets the dreaded don Deva who arrives injured. After the treatment, Das and Deva form a deep friendship until Deva's mafia background and gruesome history causes a rift in their bond.
Abhiyum Anuvum
Sound Mixer
They fell in love and swore to always be together, until a strange twist of fate reveals them to be more than just lovers. To what extent will they go to protect their love?
Irumbu Thirai
Sound Designer
Kathiravan, a major in the Indian army with anger management issues, is compelled by circumstances to borrow a loan from a bank with false documents. When the entire money in the account vanishes, Kathiravan tries to track down the scamsters, and it leads him to White Devil, a master hacker.
Sound Mixer
A barber has a skirmish with a gangster on the road, and this encounter results in him running all over the city to save himself.
Sound Mixer
A shady money deal goes wrong and in the aftermath Mathan ends up killing a police officer. Meanwhile in Kochi, his old flame Aparna an aspiring actress is struggling to prop up her career. Mathan meets up with Aparna and tries to rekindle the past, even as the police hunt for him gets intense.
Sound Designer
An enterprising youngster in a slum wants his people to lead a life of dignity, but has to take on an ambitious capitalist, who only wants to dominate his field.
Sound Designer
Nani's brother and his friends are his world. But he shares a love-hate relationship with his sister-in-law Jyothi. What happens when Shiva threatens his family, is what 'MCA' is all about.
Sound Designer
A few individuals in the medical profession are murdered or kidnapped, and the cop investigating the case suspects a doctor and arrests him. But is he the one who is behind these crimes? And why are they being committed?
Velaiyilla Pattathari 2
Sound Designer
A cool-headed crusader for the struggling engineers, Raghuvaran faces the powerful and arrogant owner of a construction company Vasundhara Parameswaran, as they engage in a battle to win the corporate game.
Meesaya Murukku
Sound Designer
A passionate youngster who dreams of making it in the music industry is on the verge of losing his love. What will happen to his career and romance?
CIA: Comrade In America
Sound Designer
A young Aji Mathew is a communist who goes the whole nine yards for the ideologies he believes in. When the girl he loves leaves to the US out of the blue and her parents fix her wedding, Aji is left with just a fortnight to reach the country albeit with no passport or visa. How far he is willing to go for love forms the plot.
Sound Mixer
A mysterious youngster kidnaps a girl a few minutes before her wedding and takes her to a secluded place in search of answers for his questions.
Sound Designer
A loan recovery agent takes on a corrupt head of an educational institution to save his girlfriend.​
Sound Designer
Ammani is about a 82-year-old woman and her emotional bond with another woman named Salamma.
Sound Editor
When an honest cop, Vijay Kumar's family is ruthlessly slaughtered by a politician and his aides, he decides to change his identity and commits his life to bring his daughter up in a serene atmosphere. But some freak events end up compromising his identity and what he does to save his daughter and avenge the death of his family unfurls as Theri.
Sound Mixer
A hitman comes to a hill town to plot the murder of a top scientist. A young man and his righteous father stand in his way.
Pasanga 2
Sound Engineer
The frustrated parents of two hyperactive kids realise the key to unlock their kids' potential lies in them accepting the kids' exuberant nature, thanks to an understanding doctor and his teacher wife.
Sound Designer
The story revolves around two friends who work hard, and spend their money travelling around the country. On one such trip, they accidentally help a pair of lovers elope, without realising it. The family of the eloped young lady get angry, and suspect them of being friends of the eloped young man. They take the two friends home, and try to beat them to get the truth out them. One of the two friends falls for a girl named Kayal, who is working in the house, and he speaks of his love in front of everyone. After the eloped young lady is brought home, and it is proven that the two friends were not involved in planning the elopement, they are allowed to go. Kayal travels to Kanyakumari to find the guy who loved her. The rest of the film tells of how they united, after many struggles.
Aaha Kalyanam
Sound Designer
Shruthi, an enterprising 20-year-old girl, partners with Sakthi, a happy-go-lucky youngster to set up her dream business — wedding planning. They decide to not mix finance and romance but a night's revelry changes their equation and they part ways. Will they be able to admit their actual feelings?
Sound Engineer
A wrongdoer is caught red-handed and he is not going to forgive the man who exposed him.
Sound Designer
A man can no longer tolerate injustice and corruption and he becomes a vigilante to fight for a better society.
Sound Editor
Рагини, учительница классических индийских танцев замужем за полицейским по имени Дев. Чтобы отомстить Деву за смерть сестры, предводитель повстанцев, которые прячутся в джунглях, Бира, похищает Ситу. Муж современной Ситы собирает местный отряд полицейских и отправляется в джунгли спасать прекрасную Ситу. За время пребывания в плену у Раваны Сита влюбляется в него. С кем останется Сита и что станет с героями фильма, остается загадкой.
Sound Editor
Полицейский, его жена и его враг. Противоборство душ и тел. Все непросто. Кто прав, кто виноват? Решайте сами.
Open Doors
Sound Editor
Living images from the dead past help 'Tara' cope with her present, which is devoid of any contact with the outer world. But for how long can this self deception keep the body and soul together?
Big B
Sound Designer
Four brothers try to find the mystery behind the murder of woman who raised them.
Sound Mixer
Sound Designer
Paayum Oli Nee Yenakku
Sound Designer
An Intensive romantic crime thriller
Nooru Kodi Vaanavil
Sound Designer
Pisasu 2
Sound Designer