Pierpaolo Verga


Женщина – Кодекс молчания
Молодая бунтарка Роза живёт с дядей и бабушкой в Калабрии на юге Италии. Взрослые пытаются подавить строптивый нрав девушки, чтобы она не повторила трагическую судьбу матери, смерть которой много лет была окутана тайной. Однако, Роза решает пойти совершенно неожиданным для всех путём.
The Vice of Hope
To support her family, Maria works as a trafficker of surrogate mothers, transporting them from place to place along a river — but when one disappears, Maria is left with the task of finding her and must enter deeper into a world she wishes to escape.
Sensazioni d'amore
Daisy and Viola are siamese twin sisters on the verge of turning 18 living in the suburbs of Naples. They are blessed with beautiful voices and thanks to their performances at weddings, communions and baptisms, they get the livelihood for the whole family. Kept isolated from the rest of the world by their own father who just exploits them in order to make money, their life turns upside-down when one of them falls in love for the first time and they discover that they can be separated.
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