Недавно овдовевший Ричард уверен, что в доме остался призрак его жены, и он приглашает к себе специалистов по паранормальным делам. Они начинают поиски привидения, хотя понимают, что ничего сверхъестественного в доме нет. Но так ли это важно, если это даёт Ричарду крохотную надежду вновь увидеть супругу?
Hank Mason lives a modest life in his childhood home. He clings to a pretty girlfriend and works toward a lifestyle that doesn't really suit him. When his father is unable to care for himself and moves back in with Roy, he brings an unfulfilled history with him. Through an avalanche of troubles, father and son realize sometimes you have to break out to break in.
Hank Mason lives a modest life in his childhood home. He clings to a pretty girlfriend and works toward a lifestyle that doesn't really suit him. When his father is unable to care for himself and moves back in with Roy, he brings an unfulfilled history with him. Through an avalanche of troubles, father and son realize sometimes you have to break out to break in.
When a tragedy shatters her plans for domestic bliss, a seemingly typical Southern newlywed gradually transforms into a spiritual seeker, quietly threatening the closest relationships around her.
Mary Shaw
South Florida. 1962. While the Cuban Missile Crisis threatens to incinerate America, divorce looms over the Shaw family. Thirteen-year-old Miles Shaw must protect his little brother, Danny, from the fallout, and he has it all figured it. The mission? To blow up the Soviet Missiles. The weapon? Model Rockets. There are always casualties in War-even the cold ones.
A struggling young actress lands her first job...only to discover that her "part" is to lie to an assembly of factory workers to keep them from unionizing.