Wanda Morganstern


Broken Ties
Selma killed her husband, a crooked cop, in self-defense. She takes refuge with her estranged sister Madison without telling her the whole truth.
Святая Агата
Wealthy Woman
Действия фильма разворачиваются в 1950-е годы в маленьком городе штата Джорджия. Беременная мошенница Агата находится в бегах и ищет убежища в монастыре, скрытом от посторонних глаз. Место, которое казалось идеальным для рождения ребенка, таит ужасные секреты, грозящие ей смертельной опасностью.
Party Boat
Principal Waggles
Party Boat focuses on Max, who is throwing a 25th birthday party for his best friend Kiley. When Max finds out Kiley's boyfriend Greg plans to propose, he embarks on an adventure to win Kiley's heart and throw his greatest party ever.
Back Alley Woman
A recently released criminal is looking for a good time. He can forget his sins but he can never forget...Gwilliam.
Best Friends Eternally
Jackson and Tony have been best friends since the Vietnam War bonded the two men with different worldviews. Tony dutifully informs his best buddy that they can be best friends until death does them part, but until Jackson gets right with God, they can never be best friends eternally. Despite Tony's persistence in preaching the gospel, that friendship thrives in the same fashion between the atheist and the Christian for about forty years, until Madison, Tony's granddaughter, arrives on the scene. While she is busy teaching Jackson about Jesus, her grandfather wanders off the straight and narrow course, compliments of an attractive lady, who despite being several years younger than the retired English professor, professes her love for Tony and lures him into her world.