Václav Kaňkovský

Рождение : 1917-09-16,

Смерть : 1987-04-27


О принцессе Ясненке и летающем сапожнике
Чтобы закончить многолетнюю ссору Феи Солнца и старой Ведьмы, Король сказочного королевства велел им помириться. Но такой поворот событий совсем не понравился Ведьме, и она задумала отомстить Королю за вмешательство в ее дела. Она решила устроить так, чтобы королевская дочка Ясненка вышла замуж за самого грязногосапожника. Посмотрев в Волшебное Зеркало, Ведьма нашла того, кого искала -сапожника Жиру. Но она просчиталась в главном — Жира и Ясненка влюбились друг в друга. Тогда Ведьма решает разлучить влюбленных. Она строит козни, устраивает им множество испытаний. Но Жира готов пройти огонь и воду, чтобы соединиться со своей прекрасной Ясненкой!
Zikmund, řečený šelma ryšavá
Šílený kankán
Hortensie's Father (voice)
During the First World War, the crooks Scholef and Krumka sell weapons on the black market. After the collapse of the monarchy they try their hand at speculation on a grand scale.
Nevěsta z obrázku
hrác kulecniku Mrázek
Carefree young nurse Marta learns upon her husband's death that he was involved in all manner of criminal activity, which puts her life in danger.
Blue Planet
A young engineer, Štěpán Pavlík, dreams of becoming a cosmonaut.
The Secret of Steel City
The film is a metaphor for the Cold War. It depicts two neighbouring nations: peace loving Fortuna and the not so peaceful land of the Steel City.
Skandál v Gri-Gri baru
Sedm kilo pro Králíčka
Oddechový čas
Králova žena
Já se vrátím
Julie pod balkonem
Preclíková válka
Smrt mouchy
Čertova nevěsta
Kronika žhavého léta
Legenda, the Robber
It is 1905. The police director gets Jindrich Legenda (Eduard Cupák) shadowed as, yet Legenda had served his sentence for a burglary, the jewels have not been found. Russian revolution encouraged also Czech workers to fight for their rights. Radical anarchists are followed by Legenda's friend Karel Wohryzek (Vladimír Mensík) who was forced to collaborate with the police as he was convicted of pornography distribution.
Burglar and Umbrella
In the morning twilight of Prague, the dead body of the safe-breaker Toufar is found floating on the river Vltava with a knife in his back. Police inspectors visit Toufar's lover, the prostitute Anna Kulatá (Jirina Bohdalová), nicknamed Umbrella, and it is apparent that the moment before she opened the door of her flat, someone fled through the window. Umbrella is summoned for examination to the head of the criminal police - Police Councilman Vacátko Jaroslav Marvan, but although shocked by the photograph of the dead man, she does not confess to anything. Before Toufar, Umbrella lived with the safe-breaker Penicka (Radoslav Brzobohatý), who loved her very much and made her quit her street trade. But when he was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, Umbrella began to live with the brute Toufar, who chased her to street again. In the case of the murder, Penicka is therefore the prime suspect.
Mata Hari
On the Comet
When a comet passes the Earth very closely, it pulls a small part of North Africa, and a small swathe of humanity, along with it.
Looking Back
Young script-writer Frantisek (Petr Cepek) is hired to write a film script based on the successful novel Looking Back. He meets with the novel's female author, a University professor and writer named Olga Machová (Jirina Trebická), approximately ten-years-older than him. In the beginning, they do not understand each other at all. Frantisek is a skeptic experiencing a moral crisis, unsatisfied with both his work and his private life - he lives separated from his wife and has no deeper feelings for his numerous lovers. He even gets drunk from time to time and breaks the public peace. Olga is lonesome, too, but considers her life fulfilled.
Christmas with Elisabeth
Surly solitary truck driver is given an assistant for his daily rounds: a young woman with a fondness for mini-skirts and boys, fresh out of prison.
The drama offers Arnošt Pánek, chairman of the National Committee, as the protagonist of the story. Pánek is disturbed by news of the arrest of his protégé Kvasil – chairman of a JZD agricultural cooperative in the nearby village of Spádová. He is responsible for the revival of a neglected village, but is now accused of theft, fraud, and – on top of that – the rape of an under-aged girl.
Zločin a trik II.
(segment "Trik")
The Murderer Hides His Face
tchán Brych
In the forest near the village of Drahovice, a nurse from the local health center is found murdered. Three months ago, another young woman died nearby and a sexual motive was proved in the case of her murder. In the case of the nurse, the motives are not so clear. Two criminologists from Prague - Major Kalas (Rudolf Hrusínský) and Lieutenant Varga (Radoslav Brzobohatý) - patiently collect all available leads and question the villagers.
The Borrowed Face
četník z Hradce
It is the 1930s. Physician Bartos devotedly attends poor patients in the city suburbs, at the same time researching the possibilities of regeneration of human tissues after transplantation. His former colleague Rosen, now working as an assistant at the private clinic of surgeon Kirchenbruch, considers the research a mere utopia. The disappointed Bartos, trying to verify his theories, therefore accepts the outrageous proposal of Marion, owner of a brothel - to surgically replace the face of her lover, the wanted thief Cutter, with the face of murdered Father Hopsasa. Bartos is well paid but his successful operation remains a secret.
A Leap In The Dark
Spring 1943: A three-member group of resistance fighters flies from a Soviet military airport into the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to establish contacts with an illegal communist center in the occupied territory.
muž na poradě
Брак Ярослава и Марии, родителей двоих школьников, выглядит мирным и упорядоченным. Мария, погружённая в домашние хлопоты, чувствует, что муж отдаляется от неё, и их отношения потеряли тепло и любовь. Мария подозревает, что за вечерними отлучками мужа кроются отношения с другой женщиной. И всё же она не желает принять горькую правду и надеется, что время всё исправит.
Neklidnou hladinou
Зелёные дали
По одноименной новелле Яна Прохазки. Ондржей Кубата назначен на должность заведующего фермой. Хозяйство это очень запущено. Среди работников фермы много таких, которые лишь вредят хозяйству. пьянствуют. Молодой заведующий начинает решительную борьбу с их распущенностью и недисциплинированностью. С трудом, порой даже с риском для жизни он добивается, что люди начинают честно и добросовестно работать и ферма становится образцовым хозяйством.
Deštivý den
Бегство из тени
Store Manager
Психологическая драма, описывающая сложные отношения девушки и ее пожилого отца, неосмотрительно вмешивающегося в ее проблемы с женихом.
Mezi nebem a zemí
September Nights