Saadat Hassan Manto

Saadat Hassan Manto


Saadat Hasan Manto was a writer, playwright and author born in Ludhiana active in British India and later, after the Partition of India, in Pakistan.


Saadat Hassan Manto


Khol Do
A helpless father searches for his daughter who is separated from him during the riots of India-Pakistan Partition in 1947
Toba Tek Singh
The story takes place just before the India-Pakistan partition in one of the oldest mental asylums in undivided India. Situated in Lahore, it was home to Hindu, Muslim and Sikh patients who were left behind by their uncaring families. Friendships were thick between the patients who had nobody but each other for company. Each had a story that made for an interesting tale but none quite like Bishan Singh.
Истории Манто
Сюжет этого нового исторического фильма основывается на рассказах известного индо-пакистанского писателя Саадата Хассана Манто. Действие картины разворачивается во времена Британской Индии. Страна переживала самый сложный период в своей истории, а люди ещё даже не предполагали, какие ужасы им вскоре предстоит пережить. Начался болезненный процесс раздела колониальной Индии, и с этого момента спокойная жизнь для большей части населения завершилась. Автор рассказов концентрирует своё внимание на том, что в период распада страны на несколько государств, в некоторых людях обнажились самые тёмные качества. И именно из-за этого страна погрузилась в период хаоса и жестоких военных столкновений…
The Man's Woman and Other Stories
Short Story
A series of three episodes which explore the relationship between men, women and the physical and mental spaces they inhabit.
Kali Salwar
Sultana, a small town prostitute and her pimp Khudabaksh migrate to the metropolis, bringing with them their dreams and meagre belongings. Sultana goes about her bright and artful seductions but somehow misses her targets. Her business collapses. Desperately, Khudabaksh too tries his hand at many jobs but is unsuccessful. Sultana's loneliness and despair get objectified in her desire for a 'salwaar' that she needs to complete her black ensemble for the observance of mourning for Moharram.
Ek Gunah Aur Sahi
The story of a 'good-bad' madam who runs a brothel.
This is an adaptation from the short story of Saadat Hasan Manto with the title, "Jhumke". A wife is accused of adultery and her husband leaves her along with her daughter. The husband works hard to send his daughter to the college. On the other side, his wife sold herself to prostitution. The story is related to ear pendants which cause the wife to sell her body to the house owner. The ear pendants now gifted to her daughter by a college fellow who fell in love with her. Now the father is also suspicious about her daughter. As it is a Pakistani movie, they have change characters name to Muslims name.
Мирза Галиб
Действие фильма, посвященного жизни великого индийского поэта Мирзы Галиба, происходит в 19 веке при дворе Бахадур-шаха, последнего представителя Империи Великих Моголов в Индии.
Eight Days
Karpa Ram - Air Force Officer
Bollywood 1946
Eight Days
Bollywood 1946