Bernd Stegemann

Bernd Stegemann

Рождение : 1949-01-09, Berlin, Germany


Bernd Stegemann


Merz gegen Merz - Hochzeiten
Günter Merz
Krauses Hoffnung
Police chief Horst Krause and his sister Elsa have been looking after the inn in Schönhorst in Brandenburg since his well-deserved retirement. It would be all good if Elsa wasn't suddenly so forgetful.
Sealed Lips
Werner Schuck
A German communist wrongly accused and sent to a labour camp has to keep her past life hidden for the sake of her and her family’s freedom.
Воздушный шар
Werner Meissner (SED-Kreisleiter)
Конец 1970-х годов. Семья Штрельцик и семья Ветцай, пытаясь сбежать в Западную Германию, решают пересечь границу на самодельном воздушном шаре.
Das Luther-Tribunal - Zehn Tage im April
Friedrich der Weise
Зачётный препод 3
Herr Gundlach
Классный руководитель Зэк Мюллер получил класс с самыми проблемными подростками в Германии. Ежедневно его ученики придумывают новые пакости. И тут Зэку помогает его криминальное прошлое...
Willkommen bei den Honeckers
Karl Eduard von Schnitzler
Max Bretschneider pretends to be a communist in order to conduct the last interview with Erich Honecker.
The Peculiar Abilities of Mr. Mahler
A missing person case involving a child in 1987 East Germany attracts the attention of an investigator rumored to possess supernatural powers.
The Last Pig
Franz Kramer
Plum out of luck, Swabian farmer Huber’s farm goes under. Then his girlfriend Birgit takes over her father’s newly-acquired firm – in former East Germany. That's reason enough for Huber to bail on his debts and head out on a road trip through southwest Germany.
Зачётный препод 2
Mr. Gundlach
Бывший грабитель, а ныне крутой препод в школе Гёте, Зеки Мюллер, обрел популярность среди учеников благодаря нетрадиционным методам преподавания. Не успел он заскучать, заполняя классные журналы и проверяя тетради, как его вовлекли в «войну школ»: для того, чтобы получить статус престижного учебного заведения, необходимо съездить с коррекционным классом старшеклассников в Таиланд, чтобы установить дружеские отношения с местной школой. Вы, наверное, догадались, кому «повезло» стать сопровождающим! Пару Зеки составит очаровательная коллега Лиси. Кто кому задаст жару в этой по-настоящему «горячей» поездке, полной соблазнов — большой вопрос…
Wer Wind sät
Ludwig Hirtreiter
Oliver von Bodenstein and Pia Kirchhoff determine in the environment of a wind turbine company and their opponents - each of which has its own motive. A storm of revenge, greed and betrayal brews together.
The Chosen Ones
In the late 70s, young Petra Grust begins teaching at the progressive Odenwald School. She is flattered by the trust placed in her by its widely respected headmaster Simon Pistorius. But gradually certain incidents at the boarding school begin to unsettle her. Petra then realizes that Pistorius is abusing Frank, a 13-year-old. When Frank is told that he has to spend school holidays with Pistorius, he tries to commit suicide. Petra tells Frank's father (the chairman of the school's governing body) but he believes Pistorius instead of his own son. Petra fails to convince people of the man's true nature. 30 years later, Frank goes to Petra, who has long since left the school and has stopped teaching altogether. He has never been able to speak about what happened but now, after the suicide of another pupil, he is no longer willing to remain silent. He wants Petra to bear witness at the school's forthcoming anniversary celebrations.
Dessau Dancers
Göttliche Funken
Pfarrer Raimund
Matthias, who is about to lead his beloved Diana in front of the altar, cannot believe his eyes: Lily, the former love of his life, appears as the pastor who has stepped in at short notice! The convincingly played love drama sends its protagonists on an exciting emotional balancing act with a constant risk of falling.
Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren
When the farm boy Felix is born with a caul, the rumor spreads in no time that this boy can succeed in anything. One day he would even marry the princess - he just has to trust in his own destiny. But the king and alchemist Ottokar, however is obsessed only with gold and wealth, seeks to kill the child, by throwing him in a river.
Зачётный препод
Mr. Gundlach
Незадачливый грабитель банков Зеки Мюллер после тринадцати месяцев отсидки выходит из тюрьмы. Он отправляется на поиски награбленной добычи, которая была спрятана на стройке. Вместе с подружкой они думали, что там идёт всего-навсего прокладка труб. Каково же удивление горе-грабителя, когда он обнаруживает на нужном месте новенький школьный спортзал! Чтобы добраться до награбленного, Зеки пытается устроиться на место школьного сторожа. Но в результате лёгкого недопонимания вместо этого его берут в качестве учителя на замену. Ему достаётся самый буйный и ненормальный класс во всей школе — 10 «Б». Используя несколько необычные методы, бывший грабитель неожиданно находит общий язык с учениками. Одновременно с этим по ночам он пытается добраться до спрятанной добычи и влюбляется в коллегу-учительницу Лиси.
Bürgermeister Basko
November 9, 1989, the day the Berlin Wall came down. A 10-year-old girl and her friends attempt to use their teleportation device to beam her uncle back to East Germany but instead, as they witness on TV, end up beaming everyone in their town into West Germany! They have to race against time to undo the experiment before the nasty border guards open fire...
Unter Feinden
Bankraub für Anfänger
Josef Bichler
Polizist Hardy
Der Passagier
Werner Schröder
Die Superbullen
Im Dschungel
Romeo und Jutta
Jürgen Stoll is not only a Filou and life artist, but the darling of many women. When the marriage swindler is given the choice, prison in the GDR or a career as "Romeo" in the FRG, he decides to go to the West. Stoll now plays in the big game of secret agents until he realizes that the Stasi still has very different plans with him.
Die Nonne und der Kommissar - Todesengel
Otto Mohnhaupt
The Secret of Anna
Anna and Christian Instrupp are a happy and childless marriage. They have a farm of apple production. But their lives are disrupted when the Anna's illegitimate daughter, Ines Arnold, writes a letter to her where she tells him that his adoptive parents have died and that she would like to know.
Комплекс Баадер-Майнхоф
Hanns Martin Schleyer
Германия 70-х. Радикально настроенные потомки бывших нацистов, ведомые Андреасом Баадером, бывшей журналисткой Ульрике Майнхоф и Гудрун Энсслин, борятся против того, что они называют лицом фашизма: против политики США во Вьетнаме, на Ближнем Востоке и в странах третьего мира, поддерживаемой ключевыми фигурами от немецкой политики, юриспруденции и индустрии. Баадер, Майнхоф и Энсслин создают фракцию "Красная Армия" и объявляют войну ФРГ. Разгорается кровавая террористическая кампания - множество убитых и раненых. Человек, не принимающий их деяния, но все же пытающийся их понять, — руководитель уголовной полиции Хорст Херольд. Несмотря на богатый послужной список и множество раскрытых дел, Херольду становится ясно, что в одиночку полиция не в силах противостоять волне насилия.
Hochzeit um jeden Preis
Die Aufschneider
Hartmuth Probst
Адольф Гитлер: Настоящая, наиправдивейшая правда о диктаторе
Dr. Morell
Действие комедии разворачивается в 1944 году. Гитлер предстает в ней как физически и психически разрушенный человек, который по совету Геббельса берет в учителя актера-еврея из концлагеря для уроков красноречия, чтобы воодушевить немецкий народ на дальнейшую борьбу. Между делом фюрер играет в ванне игрушечным линкором и пытается научить овчарку Блонди, одетую в форму СС, вскидывать лапу в нацистском приветствии.
Zwei Millionen suchen einen Vater
Siegfried Dossenbach
Eine Mutter für Anna
Klaus Berger is a committed journalist who reports to the local department of the Erfurt daily newspaper. Since the death of his wife, Klaus alone is taking care of his eleven-year-old daughter Anna, so that he has his hands full with his job and child care. He does not have enough time for Anna. A woman who could take something away from him is missing in his life. But when Klaus falls in love with the attractive lawyer Judith Wagner, there is a not small problem: Anna can not stand the self-confident lawyer. The tide turns when the two "women" come closer thanks to their shared passion for sailing.
Go for Zucker
Germany director Dani Levy filmed this comedy about Jewish life in today’s Germany along side the familiar east-west conflict. With it great success this film is a joyful comedy of humor and knowledge.
Schöne Witwen küssen besser
Das Zimmermädchen und der Millionär
Senator Proske
Hunger auf Leben
Heinrich Ernst, DSV
Two Days of Hope
Два сердца – одна корона
Baron von Kollwitz
Он был одним из самых выдающихся людей своего времени. Барон Фридрих фон дер Тренк — солдат, авантюрист, герой, любовник. Неутомимый охотник за женщинами, отчаянный дуэлянт и отважный воин, Тренк становится близким другом короля Пруссии Фридриха Великого. Находясь при королевском дворе в Потсдаме, Тренк завоевывает сердце любимой сестры Фридриха, принцессы Амели. И хотя Тренк и Амели держат свои встречи в строжайшей тайне, им не скрыться от вездесущих шпионов. Граф фон Яшински, начальник Тренка и его неудачливый соперник, отвергнутый принцессой Амели, устраивает искусную политическую интригу и возлюбленный сестры короля попадает в темницу. Амели клянется спасти Тренка, даже если ради этого ей придется бросить вызов своему царственному брату…
Die Dickköpfe
Franz Pammer
Kolle - Ein Leben für Liebe und Sex
Lenz Schäfer
Antonia - Zwischen Liebe und Macht
Peter Walz
Stunningly attractive law student Antonia Scherer and her girlfriend Judy are earning vacation money as Paparazze for a slimy gossip columnist named WALZ. Part of the job involves trying to snap photos of famous people on the Cote d'Azur. The two girls promptly catch a snap of the eldest son of a mega rich banking family, in a suggestive situation. Realizing that she has been spotted by him, Antonia runs off with the film but is then involved in an accident and loses consciousness. She wakes up to find herself on Leonhardt's private yacht.
Entscheidung im Eis - Eine Frau jagt den Mörder
Hans Mertens
In an idyllic town, one bloody crime joins the next: six women fall victim to a ruthless murderer. The alleged perpetrator was arrested at the scene right next to the last victim, but he managed to escape. Policewoman Leah Sanders takes up the persecution. The chase leads into the mountains up to a hut. A sudden accident causes far-reaching consequences. A warning shot from Leah's pistol triggers an avalanche. She spills the policewoman together with the suspect in the hut. But there are already two other people in this weekend home.
Fernes Land Pa-Isch
Otto - The Disaster Movie
hungriger Passangier
Three Chinamen with a Double Bass
Hin und weg
Der Solist – Kein Weg zurück
Doppeltes Dreieck
Hauptkommissar Siegrist
Das Tal der Schatten
Vorarbeiter Baustelle
Die Handschrift des Mörders
Girl's Trap – Death Comes Online
Sheldon / Fiehr
Rosenzweig's Freedom
When Michael Rosenzweig, a working-class German Jew, is charged with the murder of a neo-Nazi leader, he and his family find themselves fighting for justice in the face of a brick wall of prejudice.
14 Days to Life
Konrad von Seidlitz is a young yuppie lawyer currently celebrating his engagement with Cornelia, daughter of minister of justice Volkerts. As a public relations gag, he hasn't paid his parking fines for two years and now insists on being sentenced to jail for two weeks as punishment. Using his knowledge as a lawyer he makes the best out of his visit in jail still working, still in a splendid mood and not adapting to any rule. Probably a good way to get the desired public attention, but also a good way to make enemies inside the jail-house. One day before Konrad is to be released his booth is searched and two hundred grams of cocaine are found. That's a serious problem even for a brilliant lawyer like Konrad and even if you're innocent
Бери от жизни всё
У Яна Небеля - череда неприятностей. Он с трудом находит в себе силы жить. К счастью, рядом с ним в трудную минуту оказываются его случайная знакомая Вера и коллега по работе Бадди...
Lea Katz - Die Kriminalpsychologin: Einer von uns
Dr. Weihrich
Die Nacht der Nächte - School's out
Bunte Hunde
Kripobeamter Siegel
The Invincibles
Georg Erlsberg
Simon, the leader of a police special unit, becomes caught up in a complex scheme involving bribery and money-laundering, as well as an affair with the beautiful wife of a government official investigating organized crime and political corruption. After the official is kidnapped, the chase leads to a dramatic conclusion high in the Bavarian Alps.
A complex and enigmatic plot that evokes the life of Bachmann. The story develops around an unusual triangular relationship, a threesome between a woman of unknown name, a man named Malina and a Hungarian, Ivan, with whom she falls in love. Ivan will be his last great love, but their need for exclusivity in love is so strong that it can not be understood or matched. Malina is a struggle, a confrontation between two worlds strange and hostile.
Street Kid
Peter Schmeebinder
Axel is 14 years old, male prostitute, living in Düsseldorf. His mother drinks and her friends abuses him. He is sent to a bar to pick up customers. There he meets Karl-Heinz, and a loving relationship begins.
Solo Sunny
Sunny is the singer of band trying to establish itself in the music-scene of East-Berlin. They play regular gigs in small towns, but Sunny feels out of touch with the audience and her life as a whole. She begins a relationship with the amateur saxophonist and studied philosopher Ralph who writes her a very personal song - but his obsession with death and unfaithful lifestyle is not for her. After getting into a quarrel with a band member who harasses her and telling off a show-host she is thrown out of the band. Abandoned, she struggles to regain control over her life.
Eine Pyramide für mich