Sound Editor
A feature documentary on the life of Alzira Espíndola and her impact and influence on different generations of Brazilian music. From her origins on Mato Grosso do Sul to her breakthrough as a instrumentist and composer in São Paulo, the movie explores her life, work and ventures with partners such as Itamar Assumpção, Ney Matogrosso and her sister Tetê Espíndola with irreverence and erudition.
Dialogue Editor
A porn director, a fugitive, a priest. The life of Victor X.
Dialogue Editor
Полицейский Одаир оказывается в ночном клубе "Потерянный рай", который принадлежит весьма необычной семье. Это свободные и раскрепощенные люди, которые отчаянно пытаются найти себя и свое место в этом мире. У Одаира завязываются тесные отношения с новыми знакомыми, но сможет ли он выдержать накал страстей?
Dialogue Editor
The meeting between two young guys, Marcelo —in the future, Marcelo D2— and Skunk , who sold t-shirts and cassette tapes in the center of Rio de Janeiro to survive, resulted in one of the most popular bands in Brazil in the 1990’s, Planet Hemp. Suppressed by a prejudiced society, the two made of their music a cry of alertness and resistance, conquering the hearts and minds of an entire generation.
Dialogue Editor
Suellen (Thalita Carauta) is a cook who works hard to keep her little son, her younger sister and her mother alone. One day, your dreams come true: she splits in two. Her copy, identical physically, has different personality, being much more extroverted and courageous. The idea would be to divide the tasks with the other one, but soon Suellen realizes that the look-alike has plans of its own, and decides to betray the original.
Dialogue Editor
Graça is a single mother who works as a massage therapist and lives with her two children: Moreno, 8, and Papoula, 15. One day, in a visit to the doctor, Graça is diagnosed with a brain aneurism that may rupture at any moment. Desperate about who will take care of her kids in the event of her death, she decides to go after her brother, Luiz Carlos, whom she hasn't seen in over 15 years due to a quarrel. When they meet, however, Luiz Carlos has become Gloria, a beautiful and successful transvestite, who now owns a restaurant and brags about being independent. At first, Gloria is unwilling to reconnect with her family; but as she becomes more guilt-stricken, she accepts Graça's invitation to meet her nephews and eventually realizes that maybe, to be complete, she needs to become a mother.
Dialogue Editor
Roberto is in the edge to become a father for the first time. He was already dreaming of the years yet to come, wondering how his son would be. While trying to figure out how to act like a father he must also face and endure a tough reality - to be a Down syndrome child's dad. Insecure and ashamed of the situation he will have to confront and overcome it.
Dialogue Editor
One day, Eduardo arrives at his house and discovers that Julia, his wife, tried to commit suicide. She left her husband and two children without saying goodbye. After some time, she comes back home. He tries everything to set her straight, but the impossibility of knowing her fully grieves him. The shadow of the suicide and the inevitable ghost of a new chance hover over their heads. Eduardo insists on understanding his wife, but an increasing jealousy and an unexpected discovery of her past torture him. He does not realize that, most of the time, the search for control easily becomes an obsession.
Dialogue Editor
Selminha is a lower-class woman who receives a family inheritance, but only if she meets the challenge of spending 30 million reais in 30 days, without accumulating anything. However, in this marathon, she will find out that there are things that money does not buy.
Dialogue Editor
На Диану в собственном доме напали двое мужчин и изнасиловали. Но она решает не обращаться в полицию и не рассказывать о случившемся мужу, просто прибирается дома и делает вид, как будто ничего не произошло. А её муж Марио немного необычный человек — он обладает целым набором фобий.
Dialogue Editor
After being released from prison, Dr. Nise da Silveira is back at work in a psychiatric hospital on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro where she refuses to employ the new and violent electroshock in the treatment of schizophrenics. Ridiculed by doctors, she is forced to take on the abandoned Sector for Occupational Therapy, where she would start a revolution through paintings, animals and love.
Dialogue Editor
In the city of São Paulo, the routine of gravedigger apprentice Deodato changes when a new working girl arrives at the cemetery. Together, they must re-register the abandoned tombs, but strange events make the apprentice wonder about the consequences of messing with the dead.
Dialogue Editor
The true story of Assis Chateaubriand, the first magnate of communications in Brazil. Due to his influence during the late 1930s up to the early 1960s, he has come to be called 'the Brazilian Citizen Kane'.
Foley Editor
Théo goes to the funeral of his childhood best friend. Then, memories return.
Sound Editor
The doorbell at the bridal shop rings.
Sound Editor
A very in love couple decide to set the date of their breaking up. They believe that ending their relationship on the top of their love would keep it preserved forever. The breaking up day arrives and they have to deal with it, each one in its own particular way.
Elvis & Madona is a romantic comedy that deals with an unusual subject in a delicate and realistic way: a love story between young lesbian Elvis and a transvestite Madona. The story takes place in Copacabana, neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro. The screenplay comprehends a full array of human types and, by following the journey of both protagonists, illustrates the conflicts generated by the evolution of behavior and custom. It is a modern and agile picture, and its soundtrack will follow the latest musical trends. Nevertheless, it is essentially a love story, proving that love can exist in any situation.
Sound Editor
At Lara's 13th birthday, her mother takes her to a picnic in the park. Everything goes well until the girl disappears, leaving the mother in complete despair.
Foley Editor
Alice is a thirty-something woman married to João, has a son and is very successful professionally. Alice is the typical workaholic, whose work is her largest and only pleasure. On the other hand her personal life does not exist: no sexual activity, zero libido, zero personal life. The lack of a sex life in Alice's life is overflowing in Marcela's, her stunning neighbor. A true expert on the subject, Marcela is the owner of a sex shop and knows everything when the theme is the search for pleasure. Like in the typical comedy of errors, the lives of Alice and Marcela will cross and both will undergo huge transformations after this encounter.
Sound Editor
В центре сюжета фильма романтические отношения между тремя подростками. Появление в классе нового ученика Габриэла полностью меняет жизнь слепого подростка по имени Лео, которому теперь предстоит иметь дело с ревностью подруги Жованы. Лео должен разобраться в своих чувствах по отношению к новому другу и понять, не будет ли он им отвергнут. Во время ежедневных прогулок пешком из школы домой, выполнения домашних заданий, игр, усиливается эмоциональная связь между юношами. К удивлению Лео, Габриэл оказался гомосексуалом. И похоже, что их чувства взаимны.
Foley Editor
Амбициозный режиссер-нонконформист Педро убеждает актрису Анну, что страсть неотделима от страданий, и ставит в независимом театрике одну из самых печальных повестей на свете, предтечу всех последующих ромео и джульетт – о Тристане и Изольде. Сценический роман перекидывается в жизнь, а страдания приносит не столько любовь, сколько флирт Анны с телевидением: мыльная опера «Свиньи и бисер» – страшный соперник. Обстановка накаляется, когда Педро поступается принципами и заключает контракт с медиа-магнатом на адаптацию старинной легенды. И вот съемки в бразильской провинции в разгаре, а у Анны, похоже, намечаются серьезные отношения с молодым пройдохой, обманом добившимся роли Тристана...
Sound Editor
Основанная на реальных событиях 12 июня 2000 года история бедного мальчишки из фавел Рио Де Жанейро. В фильме почти нет профессиональных актёров, и тем сильнее и правдивее ужасающая картина, которая разворачивается перед нами. Последние несколько часов жизни Алесандро Ду Насименто, «захватчика автобуса номер 174», по телевизору видели миллионы зрителей.
Sound Editor
When the plans for the future change, new bonds are created between Danilo, Lucas and Marcos. in between video-games and milk cups, pain and disappointment, they need to learn how to live together.
Foley Editor
Enio is a middle-aged man who lives in solitude after a failed relationship. Pedro, 30, dates Teresa, who is moving to her home. He inherited a carpentry from his father and a taste for the pool. When a traffic accident crosses the parallel trajectories of the two, the imponderable imposes itself and the uncontrol begins.
Sound Editor
Clarisse notices a small green leaf growing out of her right arm.
Foley Editor
В небольшой деревне неподалеку от сахарной плантации и спиртового заводика подлый и бедный Хейтор эксплуатирует свою шестнадцатилетнюю внучку Оксилиадору, заставляя ее показывать себя за деньги проезжим шоферам, остановившимся на бензозаправке. Группа местных хулиганов проводит время в оргиях с проститутками и марихуаной, а садист Сисеро домогается Оксилиадоры..
Foley Editor
In northern Brazil, Hermila patiently waits for her husband. However, he has abandoned her. Sexy, restless and resolute, she raffles off "a night in paradise" with herself. This beautifully-shot portrait doesn't shy away from the burdens of a young scarred woman, but it also celebrates her courage to live according to her own rules.
Foley Editor
Зузу Анжел — успешный модельер, которая распространила бразильскую моду по всеми миру. В 70-х годах Зузу восстала против военной диктатуры после изчезновения сына Стюарта, который также протестовал против диктатуры а рядах студенческого вдижения. После ареста Стюарта пытали и убили агенты секретной службы, которые позже объявили его пропавшим без вести. Именно в тот момент Зузу решает предать гластности произвол диктатуры и привлечь внимание барзильской и международной общественности.
Dialogue Editor
Фильм, основанный на реальных событиях, рассказывает историю коммунистки Ольги Бенарио-Престес (1908-1942). Ольга Бенарио, еврейка из Германии, с юности увлеклась коммунистическими идеями. В 16 лет она порывает со своей буржуазной семьей, оставляет Мюнхен, где родилась, и приезжает в Берлин. В столице становится активисткой компартии. Преследуемая полицией, она спасается бегством в Москву, где проходит военную подготовку. В 1935 году ей поручают сопровождать бразильского коммуниста Луиса Карлуса Престеса в Бразилию, где он должен возглавить коммунистическую революцию. В пути она влюбляется в него. Революция проваливается, Престес и Ольга арестованы.
Dialogue Editor
In the streets of Rio de Janeiro, survival is the name of the game where the protagonist is an imported 'hot' car. People, from all social levels, will do anything in order to possess it, if only for a few minutes.
Foley Editor
A story about the lies, treachery and vengeance of a middle-class family living on the outskirts of São Paulo. Four characters try desperately to change their lives, but are unable to escape their destiny.