Varma Malik


Bhago Bhoot Aayaa
A young girl has returned to India from London to see her old dying uncle. But she is unaware of presence of some goons planning to find hidden treasures of that house.
Navendhu Kumar lives a poor lifestyle with his handicapped father, Mohan, housewife mom, two unmarried sisters, Leela and Rajni, a younger brother, Kundan, and a sweetheart in Meena. He works for Avinash Gupta, however, when differences occur, he is framed by Gupta for breaking and entering, arrested by the police, tried in Court, and exiled from the town for a period of 12 months. After he leaves, the family is almost destitute and are exploited by Gupta. Then some months later, a young man, Anand, comes to visit them, informing them that Navendhu has sent him. He gives them some money for day to day expenses, gets some clothes for everyone, and a wheelchair for Mohan. He arranges the marriage of Rajni with her boyfriend, Ajay, despite strong opposition from Gupta, and falls in love with Leela. What the Kumar family do not know is that Anand is a fugitive on the run from the police in Bombay, and he harbors a dark secret that will change their lives forever.
Раху и Кету
Обеспокоенные убийствами людей низких каст в отдаленном городке Индии, чиновники Центрального бюро расследования направляют туда инспектора Рави Капура. Прибыв в город, Рави выдает себя за студента колледжа садоводства. Он поселяется в маленьком домике, который принадлежал садовнику по имени Мохандас, умершему при загадочных обстоятельствах. В доме живут дети Мохандаса Тулси и ее брат. Рави и Тулси влюбляются друг в друга. Расследуя убийства, Рави неоднократно ставит под угрозу и свою жизнь, и жизнь Тулси. Однако раскрыть инкогнито он не может, так как подставит под угрозу все расследование.
Головокружительная история
Болливудский продюсер Мани Бабу снимает в своём фильме знаменитого актера Рави Кумара. Во время съёмок межну ними возникает спор, вечером режиссёра находят убитым, а нож оказывается в руках у Рави. Рави убегает от полиции и попадает в руки разбойника Шер Сингха. Разбойник оказывается фанатом актёра и соглашается ему помочь
Полная версия о благородном мстителе в маске, который наводит ужас на коррумпированную мексиканскую аристократию и помогает крестьянам. Каждый раз после набега он оставляет знак Z, первую букву своего имени. За ним охотится зловещий и жестокий капитан Уэрта, который и не догадывается, что изнеженный аристократ и таинственный Зорро, блистательно владеющий шпагой, одно и тоже лицо.
Chori Mera Kaam
Bhola Nath is a young petty criminal/robber/pickpocket whom works with a female acomplice and his former lover, Sharmii. Bhola unknowlingly is the illigetimate son of a police officer, named Kumar, whom has been tracking a shadowy gangster, named Amanarchard Rathore, whom Kumar imprisoned 20 years before and has now been paroled and resumed his life of crime. Bhola was abducted by Amanarchard's henchmen as a little boy, but escaped and was raised by a veteran thief named 'Mr. John,' while his Lt. Kumar and his wife and other son have long belived that their other son was dead. Bhola and Sharmii stumble upon a manuscript for a book titled 'Chori Mera Kaam' during one of their robbery excursions belonging to Mr. John's former partner in crime which they sell to a shady publisher, named Parvin Bhai, which becomes a nationwide best seller. But it attracts unwanted attention from the police, the local mob, and the original writer himself.
Dr. Rekha admits a patient, Sunil, in her mental hospital and soon, he responds to the treatment and recovers. They fall in love with each other but everything is not as it seems to be.
An intelligence officer disguises himself as a thief to try and recover a fortune worth of stolen gold.
Mirza Sahiban
Based on one of the four tragic romances of the Punjab, it is only one of over a dozen film versions of the tale.