Marius Weyers

Marius Weyers

Рождение : 1945-02-03,


Marius Weyers


The Story of Racheltjie De Beer
South African wilderness 1800's. Five years after their mother died, Rachel, a girl on the cusp of adolescence and 5-year-old Jamie find themselves on their way to the virgin gold fields with their father, Herman, as he tries to start a new life. When Jamie goes missing in a freak snow blizzard, Rachel braves the storm to look for her little brother.
Die Seemeeu
Christiaan Olwagen (Johnny is nie Dood nie, Kanarie) adapts Anton Chekhov's classic play, The Seagull, to film, and places it in South Africa in the 1990’s, almost one hundred years after it was written.
The Recce
General Piet Visagie
After the South African Defense Force wrongfully declares young Recce Henk Viljoen dead behind enemy lines, it’s up to him alone to use every skill and tool in his arsenal to make it back to his grieving wife.
Two Degrees of Murder
Ben Cloete
An Afrikaans film. Two women, two murders. One homicide reflects the ultimate act of self-centredness, the other the greatest selfless act of them all.
Road to Your Heart
Basson Snr
Basson has five days to make it to his father's funeral in Cape Town, but needs to complete certain tasks on this trip before he can call the family company his own. On the road he meets free-spirited bohemian girl, Amory. As they journey across the breathtaking landscape of South Africa, they meet wonderful characters that allow for hilarious moments and life-changing experiences. Their trip takes a sudden turn for the worst when a villainous figure makes an appearance. Basson and Amory are faced with disappointment and heartache. On the road called life, it is inevitable that you will take some wrong turns. But no matter how hard the road might be, on route to true love is where you will find your true north.
Поезд Фаана
Faan se Trein is about a simple-minded man living in a tiny Karoo community. When his father dies, leaving all his possessions to Faan and the church, greed rears its head and divides the community... Until love restores their sanity.
Nothing for Mahala
Hendrik Botha
Nothing for Mahala is a comedic film that follows Ace (Thapelo Mokoena) into his deep and unpleasant hole of debt and financial woes. Ace who likes to play the part of the high flier is forced to get money from illegal loan sharks, which eventually lands him into some legal trouble. The result is Ace doing community service at an old age home, where much is learnt about finances, life and what really holds value.
The Last Tango
Capt Mauritz Duvenhage
The story revolves around a 34-year old, workaholic detective who is burnt out, having immersed himself in an investigation involving the ruthless murder of nine girls. He managed to capture the killer, but his emotions get the better of him, possibly jeopardising the trial. His boss sends him away to cool down, and he ends up in a small town in the middle of the Karoo. Here, he meets a passionate and beautiful woman who is dying of cancer. His only goal is to fight boredom until he is allowed to resume his detective duties, while her dying wish is to dance one last tango before her life is over. He reluctantly agrees. Meanwhile the murderer wakes from his sedation and puts his plan for revenge into motion
The Miracle Worker
Gys van Rooyen
Die Wonderwerker tells the story of Eugène Marais, a famous Afrikaans writer, poet and researcher. The story focuses on the few months he spends on the Van Rooyen's farm, where he falls in love with the 19-year-old Jane Brayshaw.
Deadly Harvest
Marisa and Frank honeymoon in South Africa. A particularly favourable offer lures them to a lonely and run-down hotel. There, they are attacked by men. Frank is beaten and kidnapped, while Marisa barely escapes. She receives help from the young South African Biko, who helps her to escape the men. Marisa and Biko find out that people are abducted to be cannibalized for the trade in organs. Finally, the two try to find frank and save him.
Кровавый алмаз
Van De Kaap
1999, Сьерра-Леоне. Гражданская война. Кровь и хаос. В этой безрадостной атмосфере орудует ловкий контрабандист, специальность которого — бриллианты. Ему нет особенного дела, что эти камешки используются для дальнейшего нагнетания межнациональной розни.Но однажды контрабандист встречает местного фермера, у которого пропал сын — его, говорят, забрали в «детскую армию», используемую на фронтах гражданской войны. И два разных человека образуют противоестественную коалицию…
Игра с огнем
Police Brigadier
Новая история о диверсии, коррупции и убийстве в Южной Африке в эпоху расовой изоляции. Фильм основан на реальных событиях. Страну поглотил дым, две цивилизации истребляют друг друга. «Игра с Огнем» — история человека, который встал на защиту своей семьи, своего народа и себя самого.
Mr. Meyer
Skilpoppe is a gripping look at a South African tragedy, as seen through the eyes of a 17 year old girl. It touches on social issues like suicide, drug addiction and homophobia in a tender and humerous way. The story follows Anna Meyer, a schoolgirl who wins the role of Juliet in her school's production of Romeo and Juliet. She struggles to come to terms with the deeper, darker side of her personality; mostly because she still needs to exercise the demons from a tragedy in her own life.
Critical Assignment
Thomas Rhines
The President of an African country decrees that the Arms budget will be diverted in to the "Water For All", project. The journalist, Michael Power, discovers a Coup set by the arms dealers.
Red Dust
Ben Hoffman
Sarah Barcant, a lawyer in New York City who grew up in South Africa, returns to her childhood dwelling place to intercede for Alex Mpondo, a Black South African politician who was tortured during apartheid.
General Stander
Фильм основан на реальных событиях из жизни Андре Стандера, южно-африканского полицейского, совершившего однажды убийство взбунтовавшихся чернокожих. После этой жестокой расправы жизнь его принимает крутой оборот: неожиданно он совершает крупное банковское ограбление. Разрываясь между чувством вины и отношением к нему общества (которое когда-то принимало его за национального героя), Стандер вновь приходит в полицию, но теперь уже в качестве знаменитого преступника.
Pure Blood
Combining a new age black maid, blood-drinking zombie racists and a plot to poison the town with blood cakes, what ensues is a dark comedy that pits the forces of fascism against the redeeming power of true love and home cooking…
Hendrik MacDonald
The greatest feature to emerge thus far from South Africa (since 1994) is Katinka Heyns's Paljas. The narrative occurs in the 1960s, when poverty amongst Afrikaners was a serious problem and the South African Railway a key mechanism in Afrikaner affirmative action. This excellent Afrikaans language drama follows the deterioration of an Afrikaner family isolated and shunned in the small community of Toorwater. Nothing seems to happen. Then a circus train loses its way and comes to rest in Toorwater, and a mysterious clown brings fresh magic to the stagnating family, but he also poses a threat to the rest of the community. Heyns brilliantly succeeds in creating a metaphor for the Afrikaner family's turbulent emotional, cultural and ideological journey from the darkness of apartheid back into the light of post-apartheid reconciliation (famililial, cultural and political).
The White Lioness
In Cape Town, a police inspector named September color discovers that the dreaded Mabasha, hired murderer, is in talks with a right-wing organization. In Skåne, southwest of Sweden, is given to the real estate agent Louise Åkerblom by missing and the case is assigned to Inspector Wallander. Just start research supposedly empty building explodes. An unusual weapon, a transmitter Russian and index finger of a man of color are found in the wreckage of the building ...
Van Tonder
In this story of a black policeman during South African apartheid, Danny Glover plays the cop, who believes he's trying to help his people, even while serving as a pawn of the racist government. When his son gets involved in the anti-apartheid movement, he finds himself torn between his family and what he believes is his duty.
The beginning of the end of the apartheid era in South Africa is seen through the perspectives of three female friends: Sophie, who is of English descent; Aninka, who is an Afrikaner; and Thoko, who is black.
Сила личности
Prof. Daniel Marais
Маленький англичанин осиротел в Южной Африке, в стране и во времена, когда людей разделяли по расовой принадлежности и национальности. История его взросления и становления как человека, боксера и борца за справедливость рассказывается в этой мощной, трогательной драме, мастерски поставленной и сыгранной.
Taxi to Soweto
Horace du Toit
A Gentle story with a moral of forgive and forget at the kernel of its’ comedy exterior ~ but also one that accurately foretold the changes that were to sweep across South Africa in 1994, as an uptight suburban Johannesburg housewife (Elize Cawood, with an equally uptight husband played by Marius Weyers) accepts a lift from a Sowetan taxi driver (Patrick Shai) and gets taken into another world entirely
The Fourth Reich
Jan Taillard
Robey Leibbrandt history , South African boxer who became fascinated with Nazi ideology after the Olympic Games in Berlin and led an operation to overthrow the pro- allied government of General Jan Smuts during the Second World War.
Следы ветра
Действие фильма происходит во времена апартеида, когда Намибия была колонией ЮАР. Это история оператора Антона Ван Хеердена, который пытался выяснить правду про Нхадьепа, черного беженца, убивающего членов своего племени. Антон едет в Намибию, где встречается с известным журналистом Чарльзом Разерфордом. Вместе они расследуют эту историю, которая приводит их к местному землевладельцу Хеннингу...
Jewel of the Gods
Snowy Grinder
While doing field work in Australia’s Gibson Desert, Snowy Grinder meets up with a wierdo named Archie. Together they set off to find the missing Dr. Jim Hartwell and Monomotapa, the Palace of Purple Diamonds. They are searching for the city of Monomotapa and a precious jewel, but they haven't accounted for the Gods.
Счастливы вместе
Denny Dollenbacher
Кристофер — амбициозный студент, мечтающий стать писателем. В общежитии к нему в комнату по ошибке подселяют девушку Александру, которая производит на Криса неизгладимое впечатление…
Прощай, король
Sgt. Conklin
Конец второй мировой войны. Капитана английской разведки забрасывают на Борнео, где он должен организовать восстание местных жителей против японцев. В ходе своей миссии он сталкивается с местным властителем, королем Леройдом, оказавшимся при ближайшем рассмотрении американским солдатом, дезертировавшим при отступлении из армии генерала МакАртура еще в 1942 году.
Глубоководная Звезда Шесть
John Van Gelder
В США спроектировали подводную лабораторию — «Глубинную звезду-6». Военно-морской флот согласился финансировать ее создание при условии, что там будут размещены секретные военные установки. Опустившись на дно океана, «Глубинная звезда-6» потревожила таинственное глубоководное создание, решившее истребить персонал станции…
Saturday Night at the Palace
South African drama set at a roadhouse in Apartheid.
Torn Allegiance
Nicolas / Nick Denver
Подпольная организация занимается запуском спутников-шпионов на полигоне в Южной Африке. По приказу шефа преступники выкрали профессора Тароваля в надежде приобщить его к запускам. Но не найдя у него нужных документов, убивают его. Расследованиям этого убийства добивается отставной полицейский Лартик по кличке Леопард. Писательница Полин, одинокая женщина, случайно находит в такси рукопись Тароваля и кое-что узнает о деятельности преступной организации. Решив написать об этом роман, она едет в Южную Африку. В Африке Полин встречается с Лартиком. Они начинают действовать сообща...
В 1869 году, когда Ганди родился, его страна ещё была украшением Британской империи и одной из драгоценностей королевы Виктории. 30 января 1948 года, в день его убийства, Индия была свободной. Это стало плодом его трудов, трудов долгой титанической жизни.
Боги, наверное, сошли с ума
Andrew Steyn
В дикие, девственные леса Африки с небес падает бутылка «Кока-колы». Здесь же обитает по-детски невинное племя бушменов. Вокруг столкновения двух цивилизаций происходит масса комедийных моментов.
Target of an Assassin
Colonel Albert Pahler
The Guest: An Episode in the Life of Eugène Marais
Dr. A.G. Visser
An episode in the Life of Eugène Marais
Mister Deathman
Agent Donelly
Geoffrey Graves is a secret agent who comes ourt of retirement for a mission in South Africa. Stella Stevens stars as an enemy agent.
Daar Kom Tant Alie
Jansonius Groeneweg
Based on the famous radio story of Mike Heine. Tant Alie, who can't handle being alone on the farm, decides to go stay with her daughter in town, with hilarious results.
...und die Nacht kennt kein Erbarmen
Clark Burton
Deadly Jaws
René Chagrin
Two divers find a treasure map, which apparently points to a sunken treasure below the ocean. They hire a professional to help them get the gold but this guy turns out to have a few secrets of his own.
Dr. Stanley Martin
A murderer has strangled four pretty girls. Joan Nichols and her police officer fiancé come to the conclusion that the wrong man has been imprisoned for the crime. Joan’s cousin Carla is a medium. In a vision she sees the face of the real killer, the face of someone they know.
Siener in die Suburbs
Tjokkie, his mother and sister Tiemie live together on poverty row. Tjokkie has a gift of psychic ability and is prone to terrifying trance states which allow him to see the future.His mother's husband, a lay-about called Giel Swart (Yellow Black?) is sponging off his mother's war pension. He sees her children Tjokkie and Tiemie as his own because he has seen them "grow up before his eyes".The aggressive biker Jakes, a man who has built a dangerous reputation around the suburbs is Tiemie's new boyfriend. This Friday night he's visiting their house and drinking heavily with the constantly brow-beaten Giel.Tiemie announces that she's pregnant and not sure if Jakes is the father. Giel in complete financial devastation has laid the last of his money on a 'lucky horse'"
Liebesnächte in der Taiga