Tairone Feitosa


Недобрый час
В небольшом колумбийском городке начинают происходить непонятные вещи: каждую ночь в определенный час на стенах домов появляются различные карикатуры, изобличающие секреты местных жителей. Сначала все считают это неудачной шуткой и опровергают слухи. Однако, когда один мужчина, прочитав о неверности жены на стене, убивает предполагаемого любовника, мэр города объявляет чрезвычайное положение. Вооруженные солдаты начинают патрулировать улицы в поисках злоумышленников...
The Dolphin
According to an Amazonian legend, every month, during the full moon, a Brazilian fishing village receives a mysterious guest: the Boto, who transforms into a human to seduce and be loved by women and hated by men. One of her conquests is the daughter of a fisherman, who has a son with the Boto. He constantly reappears to seduce her, and even when she marries, he continues to look for her. This provokes the ire of the husband, who wants to kill him anyway.
The Man in the Black Cape
Biography of Brazilian congressman Tenório Cavalcanti, who used to appear in public carrying a machine-gun, and wearing a black cloak.
J.S. Brown, o Último Herói
João da Silva Brown, a resident of Salvador, has always been a fan of comics, movies and adventure series and superheroes. Once he learns about a course for detectives and decides to attend it. With his private detective degree, he sets up an office and places an ad in the newspaper. Now wearing a cape and hat, he waits in vain for customers.