Cameron Van Hoy


Джо работает наёмным убийцей у гангстера Ли, пытаясь заплатить по долгам отца. Он живёт с матерью Глорией, которая ведёт одинокую жизнь, выполняя разные поручения для Ли. Однажды Джо приказывают убить советника Эда. Пытаясь отследить его местоположение и разрабатывая план нападения, герой отвлекается на его ассистентку Мию. К несчастью, она оказывается свидетельницей убийства Эда. Тогда Джо решает похитить Мию, чтобы скрыть её от наёмников Ли, которые ищут свидетелей преступления...
Убить за лайк
Фильм рассказывает о двух девушках-подростках, одержимых смертью. Они ведут онлайн-шоу, в котором говорят о настоящих трагедиях и несчастных случаях. Их увлечение в итоге ставит на уши сонный городок Среднего Запада, а сами девушки постепенно становятся легендами современного хоррора.
Jamie Dempsy
Spoof of the "Taken" franchise. An ex-CIA agent who is now a mall security guard discovers that things are being taken from him. He must team up with his mom, also an ex-CIA agent, to defeat his rival and save his family.
Spoof of the "Taken" franchise. An ex-CIA agent who is now a mall security guard discovers that things are being taken from him. He must team up with his mom, also an ex-CIA agent, to defeat his rival and save his family.
Stuart the Stud
Spencer turns to his best friend who's planned an unorthodox "mantervention" filled with debauchery to convert him from hopeless romantic to forever player, and in the process they discover that being in love is not so bad after all.
Vince Valley
Broke, busted, and living in a tent outside their parents backyard. Vince and Freddy hit on the idea of a lifetime, Sharkproof wetsuits, and are determined to strike it rich. They go to a local loan shark, Max who owns a club in downtown LA to fund the venture. At the club they both fall in love with the same girl, Isabella the receiving half of knife throwing duo who are preforming at the club. Yuri is her drunk, knife-throwing partner. When Isabella chooses the boys over Max he sends his goons to reclaim her. Suddenly the boys must become the men they pretend to be, but now it's sink or swim. Almost Sharkproof, a bromantic comedy.
Treasure of the Black Jaguar
Двое трудных подростков попадают в тюрьму. Там они знакомятся со знаменитым охотником за сокровищами, который предлагает им план побега. Путешествие должно закончиться в пустыне, где спрятан клад…
David & Fatima
David Isaac
A retelling of Romeo and Juliet in Jerusalem involving a Palestinian woman and an Israeli man.
When troubled teen boy Stevie (Cameron Van Hoy) and his girlfriend, Rocky (Mischa Barton), attempt to rob a bank without any forethought, the situation rapidly deteriorates. Soon the young couple is holding bank customers and employees hostage, while law enforcement gathers outside. Daniel Bender (Burt Reynolds), a veteran negotiator for the FBI, is charged with assessing the crime scene and ending the standoff as quickly as possible, but Stevie's short fuse considerably complicates matters.
One Small Hero
Joey Cooper is a small boy who wants more than anything to be a member of the "Wilderness Club." But he has failed over and over again to pass the test and was not allowed to join. But when Joey gets home after his latest failure, he finds his mother has bought him all new camping equipment for his trip. Joey can't bring himself to tell her he didn't make the club so he takes the gear and leaves for the trip anyway, hiding on the bus. When a couple of kidnappers grab the kids, Joey is still in hiding and it's left for Joey to save them all.