A LITTLE LIFE follows four college friends in New York City: aspiring actor Willem, successful architect Malcolm, struggling artist JB, and prodigious lawyer Jude. As ambition, addiction, and pride threaten to pull the group apart, they always find themselves bound by their love for Jude and the mysteries of his past. But when those secrets come to light, they finally learn that to know Jude St Francis is to understand the limitless potential of love in the face of life.
После двух лет поисков правосудия на улицах Готэма для своих сограждан Бэтмен становится олицетворением беспощадного возмездия. Когда в городе происходит серия жестоких нападений на представителей элиты, загадочные улики приводят Брюса Уэйна в самые темные закоулки преступного мира, где он встречает Женщину-Кошку, Пингвина, Кармайна Фальконе и Загадочника. Теперь под прицелом оказывается сам Бэтмен, которому предстоит отличить друга от врага и восстановить справедливость во имя Готэма.
1659 Mughal, India. Two brothers, Dara and Aurangzeb, are both heirs to the Muslim empire. Dara, the crown prince, has the love of the people – and of his emperor father – but younger brother Aurangzeb holds a different vision for India’s future. Now they fight ferociously for succession.
Во время террористической атаки племянница Майка затерялась где-то на футбольном стадионе, где они смотрели текущий матч. Ему придётся вспомнить все свои старые навыки, чтобы спасти девочку и предотвратить катастрофу.
15-year-old Kyle believes he can save his dying older brother with a plant he's found at the back of a garden centre. Problem is, there's a shadowy government agency out to destroy it first.
India is surging with global ambition. But beyond the luxury hotels surrounding Mumbai airport lies a makeshift slum, full of people with plans of their own. Zehrunisa and her son Abdul aim to recycle enough rubbish to fund a proper house. Sunil, twelve and stunted, wants to eat until he’s as tall as Kalu the thief. Asha seeks to steal government anti-poverty funds to turn herself into a ‘first-class person’, while her daughter Manju intends to become the slum’s first female graduate. But their schemes are fragile; global recession threatens the garbage trade, and another slum-dweller is about to make an accusation that will destroy herself and shatter the neighbourhood.