Долгое время специальный отдел по внутренним расследованиям пытался найти хоть какие-то вразумительные улики, которые указывали бы на причастность высокопоставленных полицейских к взяткам от известного миллионера Джэ-чхоля. К сожалению, найти ничего не удалось, и было принято решение отдел расформировать. Одной из сотрудниц отдела досталось местно в дорожных детективах, которые занимаются поимкой преступников, скрывшихся с места автоаварии. Уже в первый день на новой работе полицейской удаётся узнать, что Джэ сбил человека на своём концепт-каре, а в его видеорегистраторе хранится запись, которая может помочь в его поимке.
Set on Jeju Island, Seok-Geun is a middle-aged man and he works as a taxi driver. He is married to Dam-Deok. Seok-Geun constantly cheats on his wife, but it doesn't mean he does not love his wife.
Главный редактор влиятельной консервативной газеты Ли Ган-хи продвигает кандидата в президенты Чан Пхир-у в лидеры предвыборной гонки. За этой кампанией стоит сделка с крупнейшим спонсором газеты - корпорацией Mirae Motors. Гангстер Ан Сан-гу выполняет различные поручения влиятельных людей и предан своему делу, но однажды решает передать редактору Ли документы о тайных счетах конгрессмена Чана. Вскоре бандит окажется привязанным к стулу, а безэмоциональные люди в деловых костюмах отпилят ему руку и сдадут в дурдом. Ан решает мстить.
Production Supervisor
A secret, passionate affair happens in the summer of 1969 between Colonel Jin Pyeong, trapped in a loveless marriage with Soo Jin, and Jong Ga Heun, the Chinese-Korean wife of Captain Kyung Woo Jin.
Production Supervisor
Shin Hye, Mi Yeon, and Hae Young are three vivacious women who help each other through the tangles of their romantic lives, from tentative first dates to Viagra-taking husbands and one-night stands. Being 40 proves that they're not past their prime.
The first story is about a mother who devotes her life to taking care of her son, who suffers from a chronic disease. When the son, who can barely walk, realizes his mother has also fallen ill, he decides to care for her as she has done for him. The second story depicts the troubled relationship between a mother and daughter. The mother, the top soprano in the nation, is far from a typical devoted Korean mother and always wants to be pampered. Her daughter, a high school dropout whose experience has been the opposite of her mother’s, works as her manager. The two are always fighting and struggle to find a way to navigate their relationship. The third episode centers upon a gangster. When he hears that his mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer, he strives to fulfill his mother’s wish to reunite with her first love before she dies.
With her frumpy hair, blushing face, and awkward mannerisms, Yang Mi Sook has spent her entire life being unnoticed. Nicknamed Miss Carrot, she diligently teaches Russian to high school students who don't listen and ceaselessly pines after colleague Seo, her crush of ten years. Content with her uneventful, self-delusional existence, Mi Sook is sparked into action when hot young teacher Yuri comes strolling in and steals her class and her man. To nip their blooming romance in the bud, Mi Sook forms an unlikely alliance with Seo's misfit teenager daughter, who's every bit as eccentric as she is!
Two married women start to have an affair with men they met online. However, one of them gets caught, and the other feels disappointed at the man.
In a town where everyone believes in UFOs, a bus driver named Sam lives out his daydreams by making special radio programs for the passengers who ride his bus. A heartwarming story of a physically challenged but outgoing girl named Kate who falls in love with this timid but lovable bus driver.
A recording engineer falls for a radio announcer after they work together to capture sounds of the natural world.
Three teenagers from different backgrounds, each for different reasons, accept positions as undertakers. There's only one problem, no one in their town has died for over a decade! With no chances to get in any practice, it all comes down to the line one day when a widow commits suicide, and the three undertakers are put to the test!
В огромном равнодушном мегаполисе находят друг друга два молодых неудачника — жулик Хон-ги и боксер То-чхоль. Хон-ги постоянно в бегах от долгов и ответственности. То-чхоль бегает за другом, потому как дружба для него — не пустое слово. Так и носятся они по кругу, стремясь вырваться за периметр неудач. Трудно ли быть молодым? Как найти себя в городе, где до тебя никому нет дела? Извечные вопросы для тех, у кого все ещё впереди.