Marguerite Ducouret

Рождение : 1893-12-11, Paris, Ile-de-France, France

Смерть : 1971-04-12


Dominique, a medical student, works in a cinema to help her friend Simone Lambert, a pharmacy student. Big scandal in his bourgeois-minded family when we learn and he works and he has a friend. His father chases him away brutally. Dominique is going to live with Simone, in her sixth grade. From that day on, she receives a visit from a mysterious character who calls himself a novelist and who helps her to meet the needs of her household. Dominique discovers that this character is none other than his father: he no longer understands.
La bataille du feu
Activities and exploits of firefighters in the context of a village then the capital and under the bombardments of the Second World War where the saving of lives was more important than that of factories.
Loves of Casanova
On his way to Paris, Casanova keeps on collecting female conquests, does not shy away from duels and gets into many a colorful adventure. Once in the capital, the fearless knight saves the honor of a great lady, conquers the niece of his implacable enemy but courts disaster for love of Coraline, a faithless opera dancer.
As Long As I Live
Following a trivial road accident, Ariane, an international adventuress, falls in love with Bernard Fleuret, a young artist-painter with diseased lungs. Being pursued by the police, she chooses to hide in the sanatorium where the young man is treated. Ariane proves so smitten by love that she finally changes her ways: she decides to let herself be arrested, sure as she is she will be reunited with her loved one later on.
The Bohemian Life
Four young friends share the carefree, cheerfulness, laughter and dances of Bohemian life. Rodolphe the painter, Alexandre Chaunard the composer, Colline the philosopher, as well as Marcel and his friend Musette. Mimi, a romantic young girl, falls in love with Rodolphe.
La route du bagne
Paris, 1865. In a music-hall Manon accidentally kills her partner who was trying take sexual advantage of her. She is condemned to twenty years of hard labor first and then to be deported to marry a released convict. On the ship where she sails with her female fellow-sufferers she gets to know a young doctor and helps to suppress a revolt. Once arrived at her destination, Manon hesitates between her official fiancé and the doctor whose household she does not want to break...
Клетка для соловьев
La mère de Micheline
Преподаватель Клеман Матье публикует в ежедневной газете рассказ о своей работе в интернате для неблагополучных детей. Благодоря изобретательности и пониманию, а не строгости и жестокости, он быстро снискал расположение подростков и организовал в учреждении хор.
The Last Metro
Leaving the station after having caught the last Paris Metro, a man comes to the rescue of a woman who is being assaulted and finds himself drawn into her affairs.
L'aventure est au coin de la rue
A rich young man, Pierre Trévoux, has a desire for adventure and boasts of his courage. While he is staying with friends in the countryside, his hosts, to play a trick on him, organize a fake burglary, but he discovers the hoax. When he returns home, he finds his house broken into. Convinced that the game continues, he does not understand that he is dealing with real gangsters. His recklessness allows him to rout the criminals.
Он приехал в день поминовения
Жиль Мовуазен, единственный потомок своего покойного дяди Октава, наследует все его состояние. Октав оказался отравлен мышьяком и все подозрения упали на его вдову - Коллетт Мовуазен. Но Жиль не верит в ее причастность к случившемуся и решает провести собственное расследование.
Madame Cognet (uncredited)
Леди Дюмон переезжает из своей квартиры на улице Дюрантин, 102, на улицу Пикпюс. Когда она открывает шкаф, который принесли грузчики, выпадает труп женщины. Расследование в тупике. Инспектор Амадье, некомпетентен, должен уступить место комиссару Мегрэ, который инкогнито отдыхал в кампании под псевдонимом М. Альберт. Мегрэ начинает с допроса жильцов улицы Дюрантин; нуждающийся романист Арно де Бедарье встретился с жертвой незадолго до совершения преступления. В здании напротив, старик также, похоже, был свидетелем убийства, но... он слепой, и его тоже убили. Тайна сгущается с появлением некоего Маскувина, который случайно обнаружил в кафе на Монмартре следующую надпись, повторенную в прессе: «Сегодня, в 6 часов утра, я убью гадалку. Подпись Пикпюс.» Преступление происходит на самом деле, до 18 ч 05.
The Benefactor
A kind and generous village noble, specializing in good works, actually leads a double existence and carries out dishonest activities.
Fantastic Night
Denis, a poor student in philosophy, works as a night porter in the Paris market of Les Halles in order to pay for his studies. Constantly weary, he falls asleep and dreams of a beautiful girl in white, Irène, with whom he falls in love.
The Law of Spring
The children born from a first marriage of a widower and a widower who have remarried do not get along. Frequent quarrels break out in the household which finally finds calm thanks to the presence of a new little girl.
Незнакомцы в доме
В доме систематически пьющего адвоката убивают парня. По обвинению в убийстве перед судом предстает юноша, влюбленный в дочь мэтра. Адвокат берется за защиту молодого человека и блистательно ее проводит…
Madame Honoré
The itinerant musician Lampluche, having found a musical score on the banks of a river and a full wallet, was taken to the neighboring town for the famous composer Maxence Leroy. The inhabitants of the small town only dream of music, so Lampluche is very well received. But Maxence Leroy arrives in the city.
Sins of Youth
Emma Vacheron
A rich businessman living alone is deprived of the nephew he was to have brought up decides on his doctor's advice to search for the four illegitimate children he once fathered, which leads him to accept responsibility for his actions.
The Gateway Streak
A brave man accidentally gives some good tips to a client who immediately hires him as a secretary. But he is kidnapped by a rival bank and there is a queue to get his predictions. He finally understands that he makes everyone's fortune except his own. He opens a private pharmacy where he earns everything he wants and even love.
Героическая кермесса
The Brewer
1616 год. В небольшом городке оккупированной испанцами Фландрии готовится карнавал. В этот же город прибывает на ночлег испанский герцог со своей армией. Местный бургомистр прикинулся мертвым, однако его жена берет ситуацию в свои руки.
Le médecin malgré lui
Le malade imaginaire
Argan, the imaginary patient, allows himself to be led by his wife and his doctors who take advantage of his weakness. Only his daughter has sincere love for him. He ends up accepting that she should marry the one she loves and not the benet, son of an apothecary, whom he intended for her.
Madame Hettema
During a transvestite ball, a young provincial meets Fanny Legrand. A great love is born between them. Later, the young man learns that Fanny was a great coquette. He leaves her, he comes back, he forgives. But when he embarks for America, Fanny does not follow him.
Mme Rémy, la patronne de l'hôtel
Knock, ou le triomphe de la médecine
Madame Rémy
"Everybody is ill: you just don't know it yet". Knock, a newly arrived physician takes over a small town through fear and authority. NB : this is a different movie from the 1951 version where Louis Jouvet also plays Dr Knock.
Un bouquet de flirts
Beauty Cult
Mme Beautramel