Vaibhav Misra


For Gaurav Mehra and Pooja Misra, it could well have been a one-night stand which was a moment to remember, only to be erased over a period of time. However, when there is a lot more to it with dancing, talking and making merry accompanied by drinking, partying and making love, a connect is bound to be formed. A connect, which is subconscious, only to be realized when destiny has its own games to play! They are happy and content as individuals. But together they are happier, more at peace. They believe that they have already found love in respective lives. Together, they realize that this intense love they have for each other is something very different. Gaurav and Pooja may not be hunting for love as they truly feel that they have it all. But can one truly ignore the signs of something special that bonds the two together?
For Gaurav Mehra and Pooja Misra, it could well have been a one-night stand which was a moment to remember, only to be erased over a period of time. However, when there is a lot more to it with dancing, talking and making merry accompanied by drinking, partying and making love, a connect is bound to be formed. A connect, which is subconscious, only to be realized when destiny has its own games to play! They are happy and content as individuals. But together they are happier, more at peace. They believe that they have already found love in respective lives. Together, they realize that this intense love they have for each other is something very different. Gaurav and Pooja may not be hunting for love as they truly feel that they have it all. But can one truly ignore the signs of something special that bonds the two together?
For Gaurav Mehra and Pooja Misra, it could well have been a one-night stand which was a moment to remember, only to be erased over a period of time. However, when there is a lot more to it with dancing, talking and making merry accompanied by drinking, partying and making love, a connect is bound to be formed. A connect, which is subconscious, only to be realized when destiny has its own games to play! They are happy and content as individuals. But together they are happier, more at peace. They believe that they have already found love in respective lives. Together, they realize that this intense love they have for each other is something very different. Gaurav and Pooja may not be hunting for love as they truly feel that they have it all. But can one truly ignore the signs of something special that bonds the two together?
For Gaurav Mehra and Pooja Misra, it could well have been a one-night stand which was a moment to remember, only to be erased over a period of time. However, when there is a lot more to it with dancing, talking and making merry accompanied by drinking, partying and making love, a connect is bound to be formed. A connect, which is subconscious, only to be realized when destiny has its own games to play! They are happy and content as individuals. But together they are happier, more at peace. They believe that they have already found love in respective lives. Together, they realize that this intense love they have for each other is something very different. Gaurav and Pooja may not be hunting for love as they truly feel that they have it all. But can one truly ignore the signs of something special that bonds the two together?
For Gaurav Mehra and Pooja Misra, it could well have been a one-night stand which was a moment to remember, only to be erased over a period of time. However, when there is a lot more to it with dancing, talking and making merry accompanied by drinking, partying and making love, a connect is bound to be formed. A connect, which is subconscious, only to be realized when destiny has its own games to play! They are happy and content as individuals. But together they are happier, more at peace. They believe that they have already found love in respective lives. Together, they realize that this intense love they have for each other is something very different. Gaurav and Pooja may not be hunting for love as they truly feel that they have it all. But can one truly ignore the signs of something special that bonds the two together?
Supervising Producer
Простой человек, брадобрей Биллас Рао Пардеси преспокойно живёт с женой Биндия и двумя детьми в селе Будбуда (штат Уттар Прадеш). У него из всего инструментария только тупые ножницы и щербатая расчёска. У него нет даже денег, чтобы купить новую расчёску и помазок. Он не может оплатить счёт за учёбу детей. Его жена занимает у соседей масло для светильника, так как в доме за неуплату отключено электричество. И тем не менее, Биллу мечтает о вращающемся кресле и модных стрижках. Но вот однажды в село на съёмки приезжает суперзвезда Сахир Кхан. По деревне поползли слухи, что Биллу и Сахир дружат ещё с детских лет. И теперь все в селе стремятся заручиться поддержкой парикмахера, что бы тот при случае замолвил за них словечко перед большим человеком из города. Биллу же не горит желанием встречаться со своим старым другом, которого когда-то он выручил из беды. Биллу кажется, что Сахиру неинтересны воспоминания прошлой жизни, но Сахир — не такой человек…
Ом Шанти Ом
Assistant Director
Фильм-история о реинкарнации. Бомбей 70-х годов XX века. Ом Пракаш Макиджа (Шахрукх Кхан) и его лучший друг Паппу (Шреяс Талпаде) мечтают стать актерами, но пока им достаются только роли статистов. Мать Ома, тоже бывшая исполнительница второстепенных ролей в кино, убеждает сына, что когда-нибудь он все-таки станет звездой экрана! Об этом Ом мечтает каждую минуту, каждую секунду...Ведь он тайно и безответно влюблен в Шанти (Дипика Падукон), молодую и очаровательную кинозвезду. Когда во время съемок очередного фильма случается пожар, Ом спасает жизнь Шанти, и они становятся друзьями... Но это только начало волнующей и романтической истории Ома и Шанти.
Assistant Director
История женщины, которую муж оставляет в день свадьбы. Его единственная цель-делать деньги, и в погоне за ними он надолго покидает селенье. Позднее люди даже предполагают, что он умер. В результате хитросплетений сюжета, героиня начинает любить духа, принявшего образ ее мужа. Трагическая развязка наступает, когда ее настоящий муж возвращается спустя пять лет…