Luis Vitalino Grandón
Рождение : , Concepción City, Concepción, Biobío, Chile
Senator Julio Córdova
The Swiss-Chilean citizen Carlos Kindermann has returned to the Araucania region in Chile after 47 years. He returns to his childhood land, from which he was torn away before his adolescence. Not even the 3,000 thousand hectares of valuable territory he comes to receive as an inheritance from his recently deceased father can reverse the physical and mental exhaustion he brings from Europe. Kindermann wants to sell quickly and forget as soon as possible this unwanted journey. Events however, slowly disintegrate this desire and push the character to a crossroads of life and death, between two openly excluding world views.
Пережив похищение инопланетянам, Эвелин обнаруживает, что беременна. И нечто, растущее внутри девушки, превращает её в кровожадного монстра.
Man in Pub
Coni is a young girl who lives an individualistic and routine family life. One day she has to make a decision and rethink her life.
Border guard in Argentina
Несколько страниц из биографии чилийского поэта, заслужившего своим творчеством всемирную славу, а своими взглядами — политическую травлю на родине. Ретивый полицейский начинает преследовать Неруду, когда тот на заре холодной войны критикует власть и воспевает коммунизм.
'El Polilla'
A homeless man wanders the lands in search of revenge for the murder of his son at the hands of an unknown gang. Upon arriving in a new town he finds himself trapped in a city drowning in chaos, its people firmly in the grasp of a ruthless crime boss peddling the mind-bending drug, "El Ultimo Aire." This man is a legend, a hit man, the killer of killers and the people call him "Toro Loco." He fights punks, crack-heads and tough guys with his trademark shooter, a Smith & Wesson 34-1, but you take that away from him and it doesn't matter. Toro Loco has another deadly weapon: his hands! Toro Loco is here and the first to die are the fucking lucky ones!
In the future, dreams have been privatized. Carlos will risk anything to have one last dream to see his missing family.
Juan Gatica
Manuel González a victim of human rights make an emotional journey to the past to complete the circle of life visiting his hometown Tomé, in Chile.
Detective 1
Mauro, Noel and Broco have been an inseparable group of friends since grade school. All grown up, their lives are not what they hoped they would be. Life has become so routine that they do nothing more than wait for the weekends to drink themselves into oblivion. One night, a chance encounter leads the group on a wild and deadly chase from Santiago's most dangerous crime boss... Forced to make increasingly risky decisions, their frantic, adrenaline fueled desperation brings them closer to a violent, life-changing end where the friendship will be changed forever.
Male Detective
Бандиты хранят свои наркотики в доме алкоголика Филиппа, который, убив жену, издевается над двумя дочерьми и насилует их. Когда в дом приезжают полицейские, Филипп решает эту проблему при помощи бензопилы. Девочки убегают в лес, взяв с собой умственно отсталого брата, но вскоре появляются бандиты…
Follows Anny, a survivor of the horrific events that happened ten years ago, as her new peaceful life as a cleaner is shattered when local gangsters turn up at her employer's lake house to collect a debt for their boss.