Rachel Cerda

Rachel Cerda


Rachel Cerda
Rachel Cerda


The Christmas Thief
Detective Marie
Lana Lawton, a fledgling private eye home for the holidays, realizes the only way to save her career is by solving a string of local burglaries where the main suspect is Santa Claus. With little evidence and having to contend with a local detective with an investigative style that clashes with hers, the season may prove to be anything but holly and jolly.
Имущество с хвостом
Олив — успешный врач, Клэй — хоккеист-неудачник. Они влюбились, поженились и завели голден-ретривера. Но она мечтала о нормальной семье, а он — о спортивной карьере… И когда дело движется к разводу, бывшие возлюбленные начинают нешуточную борьбу за драгоценного питомца.
Markham Tactical
Cops in the town of Markham, Illinois invite a documentary crew into their station to help ease public relation concerns. But when a stake out goes bad, the police force needs to figure out the best way to deal with the situation.