Judit Schäffer

Рождение : 1931-01-25, Budapest, Hungary

Смерть : 2008-08-27


Nine Months
Costume Design
Village-girl (Juli Kovács) arrives in the city to work in a factory. The works manager (János Bodnár) sets his eye on her, but at first the girl refuses his advance.
Mrs. Dery Where Are You?
Costume Design
Dery is a grande dame actress of the Sarah Bernhardt school of big-gesture theater. Her beauty and popularity is fading, and a new school of acting which involves the use of one's own emotions (a-la Eleanora Duse) is emerging in the person of her younger Viennese rival. She thinks of retiring from the stage, and reunites briefly with her estranged husband in a newly-built manor in the country. Finding that life there is boring, she returns to town, the theater, and her old friends.
The Pendragon Legend
Costume Design
Bátky János a 20th century intellectual studies the secret of the Rosicrucians in London libraries during the day and in the evening takes pleasure in the "decent" everyday joys offered by the fair sex. He gets involved in the wildest ghost-story in the mysterious Wales castle of the Pendragons, where Earl of Gwynnedd from the 18th century is making experiments to prove his ancestors' slogan, "the resurrection of the body". In the meantime St. Claire, a beautiful, demonic woman and her companions try to kill him for the huge legacy.
Martin Cuckoo
Costume Design
Marci, an impertinent crook buries his drunk parents and chooses to wander instead of becoming an apprentice.
Ants' Nest
Costume Design
The head of the nunnery is dying, and the members are divided in two groups as the election of the new head approaches. Led by Virginia, the younger nuns stand up for changing the strict religious dogmas and would like a modern school with genuine science, a bathroom to be built, and a freer spirit. Their candidate is sister Magdolna, who went to secular universities, too. The seminarists, led by Király Erzsi, also rebel against the older nuns' strict discipline and the depressed atmosphere of the institution. However, Magdolna does not want to stay involved in the fight because she is deterred by Virginia's sinful attraction towards her and the tools Virginia is using to gain victory at any price.
A Journey Around My Skull
Costume Design
The film is a story of a double journey. The main character of the first journey is the author himself, who, while sitting in his customary café, suddenly realises that he has hallucinations. The psychologist reassures him that all this is merely repression. The symptoms, however, appear again. Soon it turns out that the author has a brain tumour. Professor Pötzl in Vienna suggests operation right away. The intervention, through which he is awake, is carried out in a Stockholm clinic.
Costume Design
This grotesque historical film is a caricature of the narrow-minded and careerist oligarchs of the 20s. A young military officer stops the young jurist from killing himself and recommends him to his commander, lieutenant-colonel Doborján as a typist.
Мальчишки с улицы Пал
Costume Design
По мотивам одноименного романа Ференца Молнара. "Красные рубашки" стремятся отвоевать игровую площадку у "Ребят из улицы Пал". Под руководством генерала Бока, с помощью песочных бомб и безмерной детской сообразительности, мальчишки защищают свой пустырь от врагов. Но борьба двух групп завершается трагически.
Late Season
Costume Design
Kerekes (Antal Pager) believes he is wanted by the police when his friends play a practical joke in this unusual comedy drama. He returns to his hometown where he was accused of turning a Jewish druggist and the druggist's wife over to the Nazis. With his friends following him, Kerekes tries to find out what became of the couple after they were deported. After being subjected to a mock trial by his friends -- and found guilty -- Kerekes becomes despondent and attempts to kill himself. Flashbacks and hallucinations are employed to tell this story that occurs during the Eichmann trial. Both the film and Antal Pager gained some unwanted publicity when a Variety article from April 23rd, 1967 accused Pager of being a Nazi collaborator for his role in an anti-Semitic film during World War II.
Двадцать часов
Costume Design
Герой фильма — журналист, расследующий обстоятельства давнего убийства и открывающий при этом выразительнейшую картину событий середины 50-х годов. Репортер проводит 20 часов в одной деревне, реконструируя события последних 20 лет. Постепенно, образуя звенья логической цепочки, проявляются конфликты и трагедии героев картины; параллельный анализ воспоминаний раскрывает шокирующие подробности их жизни. Фильм рассказывает о судьбе четырех друзей, бывших батраков. В послевоенные годы, в результате ошибок, допущенных как в руководстве сельским хозяйством, так и в политической жизни страны, эти люди перессорились и стали врагами, не останавливающимися даже перед убийством.
Ночь среди дня
Costume Design
По роману Б.Палотаи "Умолкнувшие птицы". Психологическая драма на фоне трагических событий прошедшей войны. Главный герой картины, писатель, пытается сохранить внутренний нейтралитет, остаться в стороне от событий, спрятаться с любимой девушкой-еврейкой в глухом провинциальном уголке, украв для нее документы собственной дочери. Но нет. Все усилия его оказываются напрасными. Уйти, убежать, спрятаться нельзя. За все надо расплачиваться самому...
Земля ангелов
Costume Design
Снятая по роману Лайоша Кашшака кинолента изображает изнурённых и обездоленных людей, работающих от зари до зари. Доведённые до отчаяния, они решаются на своеобразный бунт — отказываются платить домовладельцу за жильё.
Четверо по течению
Costume Design
О приключениях четырёх ребят, принимавших участие в аварийных работах по спасению населения от наводнения.