Lee Bin-hwa

Lee Bin-hwa

Рождение : 1934-01-01, Seoul, Korea


Lee Bin-hwa


A doctor is shocked to learn that his girlfriend had formerly been the mistress of a married man.
Yun Gi-jun 's Wife
Yun Gi-jun has become the executive director of a pharmaceutical company by marrying the widowed daughter of the company CEO. With the general shareholders’ meeting coming up shortly, his wife suggests that he visit his hometown of Mujin and he takes her advice.
A self-supporting student injured during the 4.19 Student Uprising gets help from a mistress at a night club. They fall in love with each other. Meanwhile, he becomes a private tutor for a rich family and his student falls madly in love with him. To get him to marry their daughter, the rich family throws a party and invites the mistress. They divulge her background in front of all the guests. Humiliated, the mistress runs away from the house and dies in a car accident.
A Bloodthirsty Killer
A man happens upon a painting of his long deceased ex-wife, and soon he and his family find themselves reacquainted with her bloodthirsty ghost.
Tosuni: The Birth of Happiness
Soon-i (Ttosun's sister)
Ttosun, a young hard-working woman with a good heart, falls in love with a driver but her father disapproves of the match.
View from an Alley
Hoseong's wife
One father finds life nearly impossible to live as he attempts to raise his nine children on a pitifully small salary.
A Happy Day of Jinsa Maeng
Gabbun (Daughter of Jinsa Maeng)
Jinsa Maeng's daughter is contracted to marry a nobleman's son, however, Jinsa Maeng is upset when he hears about a rumor that the fiance of his daughter is lame. Finally, he decides to take on the idea of arranging his maid to take his daughter's place in the wedding.
Тиран Ёнсан
Mrs. Bongbo
Принц Ён Сан Ын превращается в тирана из-за смерти своей матери. Он приказывает обезглавить всех чиновников, которые не нравятся ему или которые посоветовали предыдущему королю свергнуть королеву. Он становится жестче с каждым днем. Но на 10-м году своего правления он срывается с престола и умирает трагической смертью.
Prince Yeonsan
Mrs. Bongbo
A historical drama about Yeonsangun of Joseon as a prince trying to restore the status of his mother, the deposed and executed Queen Yun.
My Mother and Her Guest
Six-year-old Ok Hee is glad when Mr. Han comes to board at her house full of women. She plays messenger for Mr. Han and her widowed mother as they quietly fall in love, but is her support enough to guard their love?
A Sunflower Family
Jin-goo's wife (Yoon Ae-mo)
A middle-aged man is so crazy about his mistress that he doesn't care about what happens to his family. The feud between his children by his wife and by the mistress gets worse until the family almost breaks apart.
Seonhee Paik
Heo Seung, who states that he was “born from soil, will live in soil, and die in soil”, becomes a lawyer in Seoul. However when villagers in his hometown are imprisoned for protesting against Japanese oppression, he decides to return to his village and rediscovers the true way to help his country.
Romance Papa
Marie (Young lover)
A middle-aged man is laid off from work but is too proud to tell his family. His children, however, learn of the situation and take jobs of their own to help him save face.
Three O'Clock on a Rainy Afternoon
Upon hearing that her fiance has been killed in battle, a woman makes her way to the Park Pagoda to seek comfort from the monument. There she becomes acquainted with Henry Jang, a Korean-American whom she eventually marries. There is no happy ending for the two, however, because her fiance shows up alive and well, but bitter over his lover's fickle nature
Nameless Stars
The son of a freedom fighter, Sang-hun is a member of an anti-Japanese resistance group called "Seongjinhoe," composed of students who share a dedication to the cause of liberation. Their spiritual guide is a teacher named Song Un-in. One day, Yeong-ae, whose brother is a detective in the Japanese police force charged with monitoring independence movements, joins their group. Following a series of sporadic incidents, the students gather one night to resolve on an uprising, but are discovered by the police. Young-ae is wrongfully accused of betraying their plans, but she risks her life in order to allow the group members to escape. The morning after, the students of Gwangju rise up against the Japanese government.
The Pure Love
Myunghee Yoon
Choi Mun-seon (Seong So-min), a painter who lives alone on a beach, rescues drowning In-sun (Kim Ui-hyang). In-sun, a stewardess from Seoul, has more than platonic feelings for him, but he has no special feelings for her.Mun-seon meets Yun Myeong-hee who lived in his neighborhood 15 years ago. In order to help Myeong-hee's brother, Myeong-geun (Hyeon Sang-seob), who works for a magazine company, Mun-seon goes to Seoul. Myeong-hee and Mun-seon fall in love with each other. When In-sun meets Mun-seon in Seoul, she confesses her love for him, but he turns it down in a roundabout way.