Kate Sumner
Sexploitation film set in the Old West.
Бывший агент американских спецслужб теперь разозлился на правительство и начал взрывать ракеты, а также делать другие пакости, выдвигая свои требования. ФБР бессильно и тогда на арену выходит группа девушек под руководством Сабрины Кинсед. Они отправляются на далёкий остров, чтобы уничтожить злодея, который собрался заразить почти весь мир новой формой чумы, а затем предлагать противоядие в обмен на выполнение его требований…
Cynthia Kyle enters puberty with a vengeance, murdering her parents as they make love: she's wanted her father to love only her. Eight years later, she's free and wants to marry, but nightmares plague her so she seeks psychiatric help. The doctor asks her to describe a dream: it's long and elaborate with dreams within dreams of Lucifer, Hell, and her parents in various guises. To shed her guilt, the shrink recommends that she commit suicide in her next dream. In it, she falls in love with an artist who reminds her of her father, responds to a woman who finds her attractive, and celebrates her first school-yard kiss. The dream takes her back to her parents' bedside. Is any cure possible?
Carol Hollister
Set in the sordid underworld of drug trafficking and prostitutes, this story involves Charlie Smith, private eye, whose job it is to find Carrie Friskine and fast! Carrie, a cat burglar, has ripped off the ring-leader of a drug racket and now he's after her blood.