The film trilogy "Tetuan, Tetuán, Tetwan" deals with the traces that the colonial past in Morocco has left in Spanish society through an experimental collaborative methodology. It examines cultural production, public space and the collective imaginary through the prism of the ghost, understood as an echo of silenced voices and historical facts. Developed with Moroccan and Spanish cultural agents, the project explores narrative strategies to resignify places such as the Plaça Tetuan in Barcelona, the neighborhood of Tetuán de las Victorias in Madrid or the cinema “Español” in the proper city of Tetwan, Morroco.
Iraqi Man in Car
В основу фильма легла реальная история дружбы и верности военнослужащей армии США Меган Ливи и её пса Рекса. Вместе они проходили опасную службу в Ираке с 2004 по 2006 год, где находили и обезвреживали взрывные устройства, спасая жизни многих людей.