Shari Simpson


Раскрась мой мир любовью
Кендалл, дочь Эммы, обручается. Однако, мать обеспокоена тем, что у девушки и ее жениха синдром Дауна. Готовы ли герои к такой жизни?
Sweet Sweet Summertime
When 12 year old Caleb's father announces that they'll be moving before the start of the new school year, Caleb and his friend Blake hatch a series of adventurous plans to foil Dad's intentions.
Based on the book by Megan Shull, The Swap follows the adventures of a rhythmic gymnast named Ellie with a make-it-or-break-it competition, and the younger brother named Jack in a hockey family who's vying for a varsity spot on his school team. But when a simple text causes the two to swap bodies, their paths take an unexpected cross.