Miroslav Fára


The Cow
Set Designer
Adam is a young farmer. As a child, fleeing the bleak reality of his mother's life as a prostitute, he tumbled from a mountain and was mentally injured. Years later, his mother is dying, so Adam sells their only cow to pay for medicine. Rosa, a beautiful young maid, fleeing the sexual exploitation of a wealthy butcher, climbs up to join them on their remote farm and dares to become part of Adam's world. A cycle of life begins again, in a remote turn-of-the-century village tied to the land and its animals.
Lady Macbeth von Mzensk
Prop Maker
A young woman, married to a wealthy man, but miserably lonely; trapped within a world ruled with an iron fist. Katerina is driven by a lust for life and for love. Her husband, though, is impotent; her father-in-law a tyrant. No wonder, then, that she longs to free herself from this yoke. When Sergei starts work on the family estate, she sees in him a chance for salvation. However, their subsequent affair marks the beginning of a descent into crime.
Funeral Ceremony
Set Decoration
Matylda (Jaroslava Ticha), who lives in the Czech countryside, is trying to arrange burial plans for her dying husband, Jan (Ludvik Kroner). While Matylda hopes to have a funeral for Jan in the small town where they once lived, there are complications. Years earlier, Jan spoke out against the Communist government and was consequently expelled from the town. When Matylda fails to convince a local politician to allow the ceremony, she uses her husband's funeral as a public show of dissent.
С чертями шутки плохи
Set Decoration
Однажды в одном королевстве, на одной мельнице, на которой хозяйничал Махал-мельник, справедливый и добросовестный человек. И был у него сын по имени Петер. И жили они счастливо, если бы не ... Дорота и Управляющий короля захотели заполучить мельницу. Это не очень хорошая вещь для людей думать, что зло может оказаться безнаказанным.
Set Decoration
Funny banter about love, sex, social status, and other ideals, while a new railway employee is trained and sent on his first run as driver.
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Vítězný lid
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Stín létajícího ptáčka
Set Decoration
One Silver Piece
Set Decoration
It is summer 1944. The war is far away from Slovak mountains for the time being. The head of forest management Borodác brings a new employee to complete the eight woodcutters work team of Czechs, Slovaks and one Pole - the young guy is Martin Uher, a former clerk form Prague. The eight tough men do not trust the newcomer at first, but as time is passing, they got used to him. After some time, Martin gets next to Julika, a young wife of the gamekeeper Tkác (Vlado Müller) and they begin to go out secretly. The gamekeeper knows that Martin had promised to cooperate with German Gestapo, after he had experienced a hard interrogation. In avoiding to be a grass, Martin leaves Prague to hide in Slovak mountains. Tkác wants Martin to inform on his colleagues who hide guns in the forest to ready to use them against Nazis.
Tam kde hnízdí čápi
Set Decoration
Set Decoration
В 1942 году в городе Бузулуке на территории СССР был сформирован чехословацкий батальон под командованием Людвика Свободы. В районе Соколово под Харьковом чехословацкий батальон в составе Третьей танковой армии генерала Рыбалко принял боевое крещение.
Výstřely v Mariánských Lázních
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Film by Toman and Gajer.
Svět otevřený náhodám
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This film brings us back to show us the life of the famous ancient sage Aesop, who helped people with his wisdom in their struggle for freedom and happiness.
Set Decoration
It is 5 May 1945 and the uprising against the hated German occupiers has broken out in Prague. The Czech guards open the gate of the Pankrác prison to allow the prisoners to escape en masse. Many of them are shot dead by the German guards but young Ruda (Jaromír Hanzlík) manages to run away. He is taken care of by one of the Prague fighters, concierge Kytka. Kytka hides him in the flat of the house's owner where only the young maid Karla (Jana Brejchová) is left, ordering her to take care of Ruda.
Crime in the Night Club
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A black comedy set in a Prague cabaret.
Lidé z maringotek
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Alibi on the Lake
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Miss Nováková reports to Major Tuma (Karel Höger) from the police about the disappearance of her roommate, the model Zuzana. Shortly afterwards, a film director named Konrád (Otomar Krejca) asks Tuma to cooperate on a new cinéma-vérité film describing the story of Zuzana's disappearance.
Set Decoration
Славек и Ивана — молодая чета, с нетерпением ожидающая рождения ребёнка. Когда Славек отвёз Ивану в родильный дом, он очень беспокоился в течение дня о ней, о том, как пройдут роды. Воспоминания Иваны и Славека воскрешают историю их отношений с момента знакомства. Но вот раздался первый крик новорожденного. Славек и Ивана счастливы и в то же время обеспокоены — воспитание ребёнка накладывает на них большую ответственность...
Life Without a Guitar
Set Decoration
A group of jolly young people work in the Prague Tesla factory, also spending most of their leisure time together. One of them, guitar player Zdenek, begins to shun his friends' company. He has fallen in love with Vera, who does not belong to the group. The happy-go-lucky young man already has several acquaintances and has his own method to get a girl: to take his motorcycle, his guitar and a bottle of wine and take her to a rented houseboat. Vera, however, is different and gets angry at Zdenek. But she is fond of him and thus eventually spends a whole evening with him on the houseboat. At a preventative medical examination, the doctor tells Vera she is pregnant.
Malý Bobeš ve městě
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