Sealtiel Alatriste


Полицейские прибывают на место происшествия, где женщина была сбита автомобилем и задерживают двух человек. Капитан решает проверить их машину и делает жуткое открытие,когда находит видеокамеру с жестокими пытками и убийством проститутки. Полицейские решили восстановить справедливость по своему, мучая преступников так же как они свою жертву. И вскоре получают от них новые доказательства еще более жестоких пыток и убийств других женщин. Но что побудило преступников так издеваться над людьми?
Sound Mixer
Чтобы спасти жизнь своего сына, Ана отправляется на поиски мощного камня из Зоны Молчания, расположенной в Мексике.
Sobre tus Huellas
Sound Mixer
A peaceful evening is interrupted by a sudden burst of violence.
A peaceful evening is interrupted by a sudden burst of violence.
Sound Mixer
A shy and feeble architect is victim of a violent and abusing surrounding. The pressure builds up until he is pushed to the limit of his own humanity.
Sound Designer
A shy and feeble architect is victim of a violent and abusing surrounding. The pressure builds up until he is pushed to the limit of his own humanity.
Evil Games
Aram is a wearied accountant with an unbearably dull existence. With a nagging wife who berates him for not being assertive enough, and a measly paycheck, he quietly suffers while awaiting a long-deserved promotion. But there's more to Aram than his mild-mannered demeanor lets on: he has been secretly devising a scheme to finally get what he feels he is owed. One day he asserts his power menacingly when he kidnaps a schoolgirl and keeps her tied up in an abandoned warehouse. What seems like the perfect plan soon unravels into his worst nightmare, and his carefully constructed scheme comes crashing down piece by bloody piece.
Dogs' Breakfast
Blackmailed by dirty cops, rookie thieves Nathan and Jeff are sent to steal a briefcase from a warehouse. But what seems to be an easy mission to avoid jail, unleashes their worst nightmares from the underworld of crime.