This new Christmas ballet film was conceived by Matthew Bourne and directed by his long standing film collaborator Ross MacGibbon. The film celebrates Bourne's power to imaginatively transform ballet, taking dance and dancers off the stage into studio, bringing together projections, animation, and an intimate shooting style to produce a distinctive new way of presenting dance on screen. Those who know Bourne's stage work will spot extracts from many of his biggest hits (including Swan Lake, Edward Scissorhands, and Nutcracker!), but for audiences less familiar with his work this is simply a journey through a series of magical worlds where stories are told through dance.
Ballet Girl / Flamenco Dancer / Masquerade Dancer
Таинственный голос взывает к молодой оперной певице Кристине из мрачных недр величественной Парижской оперы. Лишь один человек в труппе знает, что невидимый покровитель и наставник Кристины, наводящий ужас на артистов, — обезображенный гений музыки, влюблённый в юную красавицу. Призрак в маске сделает всё, чтобы она стала примадонной сцены, однако у него есть властный соперник — богатый виконт Рауль де Шаньи. Став пленницей любовного треугольника, Кристина должна сделать выбор. Но страсти, что вскружили голову, свирепая ревность и безумная любовь уже вынесли возлюбленным свой немилосердный приговор…
During the first half of 2002, Kylie Minogue toured Europe and Australia. This DVD captures it. Live In Manchester is a good concert that explores Kylie's musical catalog rather well from her days as a manufactured pop tart princess to her current status as icon and electro-pop diva. The concert occurs in seven different acts meant to display Kylie in some of the different manifestaions she has adopted throughout her career. Cultural references are everywhere in this concert. There's a nod to Keith Haring, and many others from Staney Kubrick, burlesque, and sci-fi flicks. It's all hard to catch, but done very well.