Daniel J. Mullen


I Was a Teenage Movie Maker: Don Glut's Amateur Movies
From 1953 to 1969, Don Glut made amateur movies. Shot on 16mm, these films became "legendary" throughout the world.
I Was a Teenage Movie Maker: Don Glut's Amateur Movies
From 1953 to 1969, Don Glut made amateur movies. Shot on 16mm, these films became "legendary" throughout the world.
Countess Dracula's Orgy of Blood
Executive Producer
Southern California 1897: While Dumas is in the parlor cleaning his gun, his sister Roxanne is in the bedroom being seduced by the lusty vampiress...
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Executive Producer
Профессор Мур помогает одной из своих студенток раскрыть тайну древних артефактов, которые её родственник привёз из Египта. Одной из находок является мумия египетской колдуньи, дух которой возвращается на землю, чтобы найти современную реинкарнацию своей старой любовницы.