James Drew Dean

James Drew Dean


James Drew Dean


Marry Go Round
Teen Luke (18 years)
Abby Foster and Luke Walker were high school sweethearts who were married for a brief time. Many years later, Abby’s life seems perfect as she gets ready for a new life in Paris along with her soon-to-be husband, Edward. When an unexpected letter arrives throwing Abby off course, she must decide what her heart really wants.
Deceitful Dating
John Logan, a widower and father of two daughters, is struggling to balance his job and parenting. Luckily, he has the help of Jillian, his wife’s best friend. When an attractive woman moves in across the street, John finds himself enjoying her company. Alice, the new neighbor, starts spending time at the Logan house, even helping John with the girls. This new woman in John’s life is a bit mysterious and she starts getting caught in some lies raising the suspicion of Jillian and John’s older daughter, Chelsea. When Alice’s ex-husband is found dead, everyone starts to wonder if Alice is as sweet as she seems
My Mother's Stalker
Old friends gets together for a high school reunion, only for a crime to set off a series of tragic events.
Расследования Эммы Филдинг: Трагичнее, чем смерть
Milton Oberland
Эмма Филдинг - профессор археологии. Она устраивает конференцию Ассоциации Археологов Америки. Но происходят загадочные события: важный артефакт сгорает в пожаре, из музея похищают экспонат. Всё становится ещё хуже - убивают коллегу и близкую подругу Эммы Алтею, которая являлась председателем Ассоциации и собиралась объявить о своём преемнике. Совместно с другим коллегой, Дунканом Тэтчером, Эмма помогает агенту ФБР Джиму Коннору пролить свет на эти таинственные события.
Death of a Cheerleader
A remake of the cult classic, inspired by Randall Sullivan’s Rolling Stone article of the same name about the real life murder of a popular, affluent and beautiful Northern California high school cheerleader at the hands of a classmate.
Deadly Transaction
Two teenagers have convinced themselves they're not doing anyone any harm by counterfeiting money but it all takes a dark turn when their debt-ridden art teacher finds out they are using his classroom to make the counterfeit bills.
Мастер Расследований: Обвинён в убийстве
В маленьком курортном городе Лайтхаус-Ков всем известно, что женщина - лучший работник. И эта женщина - Шеннон Хьюз, владелица строительной компании и эксперт по реставрации и реконструкции домов. Во время ремонтных работ она станет сыщиком и найдёт ключ к раскрытию нового дела.
Влюбиться в Вермонт
После аварии, в которой она теряет память, успешный автор бестселлеров для подростков случайно попадает в небольшой городок в штате Вермонт и учится жить размеренной жизнью в семье местного врача.
Deadly Lessons
Romanced by a charismatic professor, a college girl quits school to run away with and marry him. While her mother tries to convince her to come home, she slowly learns that he is a controlling husband with a shady past... and soon realizes that if she were to leave him he would kill her.
Witness Protection
A mother and daughter are in a witness protection program and relocated to a quiet remote town . The criminal in prison, who they are linked to by the conviction, arranges a ruthless man to hunt them down and kill them.
Evil Exhumed
A young man hell bent on revenge uses dark forces to reanimate a recently unearthed mummy.