Jussuf Koschier


Кровные братья делятся всем
Для тринадцатилетних друзей Алекса и Ферри война началась как увлекательная игра. Это и неудивительно, потому что они живут в отдаленном городке, который игнорируют бомбардировщики союзников. У них есть более захватывающее занятие, чем следить за вражескими самолетами - любовь со страстной Розой. Но, когда бомбы на самом деле начинают падать на их маленький городок, Ферри отправляют на Чешский курорт, а вместе с ним убегает и Алекс. Умеющего красиво петь Алекса сразу приглашают в хор мальчиков, он соглашается с условием, что будет петь вместе с Ферри. Проблемы начинаются почти сразу же после того, как Алекс заменяет главного солиста из гитлерюгенд.
Bauernprinzessin III - In der Zwickmühle
Йон Рабе
Production Consultant
Фильм рассказывает о чуде, случившемся благодаря Рабе в 1937 году в нанкинском хаосе.
Executive Producer
German TV adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty“.
German TV adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Rumpelstiltskin“.
Underbar och älskad av alla
Associate Producer
Isabella Eklöf is an unemployed actress in her early thirties. Her friends all enjoy stable relationships, children and successful careers. In order to jump-start her life she decides to lie a bit on her next job application with unexpected consequences.
Bauernprinzessin I
Due to the accidental death of Pichler Bauer his wife Ilse, Granny Burgi and especially the youngest daughter Anna are suddenly alone on the mountain farm. Contrary to expectations and traditions, Anna inherits the farm. A well considered decision of the father: For Anna wants to stay mountain farmer, to preserve the inheritance of her father. In contrast to her mother and her uncle. In order to receive her father's farm and to be able to cope with the heavy and exhausting work, Anna hired a Bosnian guest worker, a Muslim, as a servant. They manage to continue the successful business on the farm.
Professor Niedlich
After a cunning escape from the boarding school, Oliver and Peter find their way to the back parts of Gastein Valley, where they fall into the hands of the paranoid Professor Niedlich. He gives the boys compulsory lessons, far worse than at school.
Treasure from Heaven
Flori and Lucy are on holiday in Turkey. By accident they meet their class mate Ali, who is visiting his grandfather. Ahmet, a genie, sends the three kids on a treasure hunt near an old castle. They find real jewels and the hunt turns into a real adventure when it becomes apparent that a German gangster duo is looking for the treasure as well.
Ein Rucksack voller Lügen
El Chicko
Paul and Erik, two introverted loosers lacking social contacts, both work in a smudgy kitchen of the cheap chickenburger fast food store "El Chicko". To pass time and monotony, Paul tells his partner time and again stories about a murderer killing women, of which Erik always wants to hear more and more. Eventually, Erik starts to believe that Paul is telling about himself.
Du bringst mich noch um
Both have families, both are gripped by a perilous passion. Simon, school professor, and Helga, wife of a successful internist, get to know each other on their daily journey to kindergarten. They fall in love, but how should it go on?
Production Manager
Georg works up at the highway. He collects the toll from the tourists; he collects the toll from the truck drivers. All of Europe has to go by him. Below, in the shadow of the mighty bridge, Georg lives with his parents in an old farmhouse with its empty stall. Georg makes a career for himself. And then, he falls in love with a young farm woman. He must decide between love and his job.