Lina El Arabi

Lina El Arabi

Рождение : 1995-08-11, Choisy-le-Roi, Val-de-Marne, France


Lina El Arabi (born August 11, 1995) is a French actress of Moroccan parents. At the early age of 6 she takes ballet and violin classes. At 10, she also start with theater classes. For the leading role in the film A Wedding she was awarded as Best Actress at the Festival du Film Francophone d'Angoulême.


Lina El Arabi


Talk Chaud
La voix off
Fettouma Ziouani
95-96, year of high school. Only 17 years old, Zahia Ziouni becomes aware that her dream of becoming a conductor and her ambition to make symphonic music accessible to all and in all territories, will go through the creation of an orchestra unique in its diversitý and composition. Helped by her twin sister Fettouma, a cellist, and while she was about to conduct her very first concert, she created the Divertimento orchestra. The latter still exists and, at 44 years old, Zahia is now a conductor recognized worldwide.
The Temple Woods Gang
A retired military man lives in the Temple Woods housing project. Just as he’s burying his mother, his neighbour Bébé, who belongs to a gang of robbers from the area, is preparing to rob the convoy of a wealthy Arab prince.
Paris. Nedjma, a teenager living with her mom and sister, spends the summer with her squad. She sees her life turned upside down when she meets Zina, coming from the opposite gang. They are rivals in broad daylight, but lovers in secret. Nedjma is sucked into a spiral, torn apart between the values of the hood and her own desire, which no one around her can possibly understand or let alone tolerate. She will have to make a choice that will ultimately define who she is.
Брут против Цезаря
Победив галлов и знаменитого Верцингеторикса, Цезарь устанавливает в Риме тиранию. Руфус и Кассий, два видных сенатора, организовывают заговор с целью свержения правителя и спасения республики. Символом своей цели они хотят сделать Брута, внебрачного сына Цезаря.
Наблюдение за Джульеттой
Сотрудник безопасности из Детройта неожиданно для себя связывается с молодой девушкой из Северной Африки, которая пытается избежать брака с мужчиной намного старше неё.
Zahira Kazim
Восемнадцатилетняя Заира, бельгийка пакистанского происхождения, счастливо живет в дружной семье до того момента, пока ей не начинают навязывать традиционный брак. Девушка не хочет поступаться свободой и отказываться от западного образа жизни, несмотря на требования родителей. Она рассчитывает на помощь своего старшего брата и утешителя Амира.
Don't Leave Me!
A French women lives her worst nightmare when she discovers that her daughter has been radicalised, and plans to leave for her "husband" in Syria.
Without Gloves
Dylan is a promising 14-year-old boxer. He is in love with pretty Samia, but she loves him not. Without taking care of the consequences, he will leave his boxing gloves, to be interesting in the eyes of the dealers in his neighbourhood, and thus attract the attention of the girl.
The Malediction