Nieve de Medina

Nieve de Medina

Рождение : , Spain


Nieve de Medina


The Water
La Grand-mère d’Ana
It is summer in a small village in south-eastern Spain. A storm threatens to cause the river that runs through it to overflow again. A popular old belief claims that some women are predestined to disappear with each new flood, because they have the “water inside”. A band of young people is trying to overcome the weariness of a summer in the village that smells of death by smoking, dancing, and lusting after each other. In this electric atmosphere that precedes the storm, Ana and José live a love affair until the storm bursts.
The Bedspread
A mother goes to visit her daughter, just when she was going to leave. The daughter is in a hurry, as she has argued with her husband. If she isn’t on time, the relationship will be in danger.
Telma decides to travel to Galicia with the intention to give back Desiderio, her father's dog which she inherited after the recent dead of her father.
Верхушка айсберга
Susana Vergés
В крупной компании происходят одно за другим три самоубийства сотрудников. Руководство поручает Софии Куэвас провести внутреннее расследование и выяснить причины произошедшего.
La madre
Miguel is a 14-year-old kid about to go back to a centre for minors. His mother, out of work and with an unstable personal life, is incapable of taking care of him. This is why Miguel lives in a state of constant urgency, doing the housework, selling Kleenex or stealing from supermarkets. All this ends when Social Services come for him again, and his mother makes him seek refuge in the house of Bogdan, a Rumanian ex-lover of hers who lives in a nearby town. At the same time, María, the owner of a bar, sympathizes with the boy and gives him the virtually maternal treatment that he does not get in his own home. However, everything is thrust forward when the mother suddenly disappears
Back to Switzerland
Madrid, 1974. Six years have passed since Martin and his family have returned to Spain from Switzerland. A visit to their adopted country will bring complications.
When nurse Gloria has financial difficulties, her friend Dr. Ana Torres invites her to move with her six year-old daughter Vicky to her old big house where she runs a gynecologic clinic. In return, Gloria will assist Ana in her clinic in the afternoons.
Один франк, 14 песет
Пилар надоело прозябать в подвале, где размещалась квартира родителей её мужа. Пусть это центр Мадрида, но лучше уж иметь свое жильё, отдельное. А то, что средств нет, так для этого придуманы кредиты и рассрочки. Интересно, как бы вы отнеслись к тому, что ваша жена, без согласия мужа, подписалась на выплату 63000 песет за квартиру в доме, строительство которого даже не началось? Мало того, Пилар подделала подпись супруга на расписке о согласии принять на себя указанные в договоре кредитные обязательства. Впрочем, Мартину (муж Пилар) было уже всё равно: незадолго до этого его выперли с работы, лишив мизерного дохода в размере 1300 песет в месяц, и теперь он готовился вместе со своим другом Маркосом ехать на заработки в Швейцарию, лелея мысль о том, что там за один заработанный франк дают 14 песет…
Avant l'oubli
Jeanne fled the Franco regime at the end of the 1930s. Married and mother of a little girl, she worked in a soap factory leading a peaceful life until the day she was asked to pass out leaflets in her factory. to Algerian workers.
Cuando nadie nos mira
In a near futures a young woman, Anna, suffers a progressive addiction to a drug which begins to have bizarre side-effects, threatening to ruin the already tenuous relationship she has with her mother. With communication almost non-existent, her mother decides to take an extraordinary step to restore Anna's innocence.
Солнечные понедельники
После закрытия судоверфи бывшие местные рабочие время от времени встречаются, чтобы обсудить свое сложное жизненное положение.
El Bola is a 12-year-old boy raised in a violent and sordid environment. Embarrassed by his family life, he avoids becoming close to classmates. The arrival of a new boy at school changes his attitude towards his classmates and friendship. The heart of the story is the change in El Bola's life, at almost all levels, after befriending this new classmate.
Marta and Surroundings
A group of friends, all about in their thirties, gather at Julio's home, one of them, to help him paint the walls. During the hours they are together, their problems, their envy, their failures, their quarrels come to light. Around them, Marta will find how they really are.
Spanish Fly
Bathroom Couple
A woman journalist, Zoe, knows better than to go into a story with her mind already made up. But that's exactly what she does when she heads off to Spain to write about its men and their macho take (as she sees it) on relationships. As she tries to prove her thesis, she soon realizes that she doesn't know as much about the male sex as she thought. She also finds herself involved in relationships with the wrong men.