Rob Hayes


В пятницу между вами может пролететь искра, которая приведет к потрясающим выходным, но что делать, если впереди ждёт неизбежный понедельник?
Гретель и Гензель
Новая версия старинной сказки братьев Гримм о зловещих приключениях брата и сестры в Очарованном лесу. В поисках еды голодные Грета и Гензель отправляются в лес, не подозревая, что им предстоит отведать обед дьявольской кухни и пройти все круги ада...
New Gods
Sophie has been with the Community for nearly a decade, a pastoral existence where brotherhood and faith are stronger than blood and bone. After a series of deaths, Sophie considers the potential of her own. When Sophie is stricken with illness amidst England's green and pleasant lands, she weighs up her options: her life or that of the others?
New Gods
Sophie has been with the Community for nearly a decade, a pastoral existence where brotherhood and faith are stronger than blood and bone. After a series of deaths, Sophie considers the potential of her own. When Sophie is stricken with illness amidst England's green and pleasant lands, she weighs up her options: her life or that of the others?
Hiya Janice
Declan finds himself trapped in conversation with the same skin-crawling co-worker day-in day-out. But when he's faced with a true nightmare situation, he must choose between a fate worse than death...and a fate worse than death.