

Yoko the Cherry Blossom
In 1940, Masaaki Takaoka works as a teacher in the agricultural division at a youth training institute. Although Japan’s defeat seems imminent, all of Masaaki’s students are drafted in a futile last-ditch effort. In an attempt to give the young men some hope, he makes everyone promise that they will all meet again under the cherry blossoms upon their safe return. Consumed by sadness over the fate of his students, Masaaki devotes the next 30 years of his life to develop a new species of cherry blossoms that could thrive in any climate in remembrance of his students.
Hadaka No Itoko
A love story directed by Otsuru Gitan, an actor, novelist, and film director, who directed all screens in Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture. A business man who has everything, including money, a woman, and fame, falls into the abyss and carries a large amount of debt. A man who felt in danger died and eventually moved to Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture, which was affected by the earthquake. A man who decided to live quietly as a reconstruction volunteer, staying at his aunt's house, but seeing the people around him who live without suffering the difficult reality, his desire begins to tingle again. Inspired by my aunt's daughter who gave me a mysterious atmosphere, he was a man who vowed to come back. Starring Sasaki Kokone of “Hello, My Dolly Girlfriend”.